Jail Time.

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Faith's P.O.V

They pushed me into a sliver jail cell. I looked around nothing but silver,

"Ah, dear Faith you thlught you can run for life away like any other killer? Well all killers get caught now and days", Liam smiled.

"What you gonna do with me", I said looking at him.

"The same you did to are alpha but ten times more the that I will tourture you", he laughed

Sage's P.O.V

I cant belive my mate is the thing everyone been after. She never told me... was she planning to kill me to? I smashed the wall of my office.

"Ugh! Why didnt she tell me", I yelled.

"She was scared", said a voice

I turn to see Luke.

"She told you", I growled.

"No. Ifollowed her the day she went to the 'dentist' I didnt hear much but the wizard knows all",he said giving me a paper.

"she never wanted to hurt you she was scared you'll turn like the last but she wasent gonna kill you, your her mate and the last wasent".

"I dont know what to do", I said leaning agianst the wall. "My wolf feels confused. I hate it", i puched the wall agian.

"Lets go to the wizard and ask him for help know more about Faith and then group up with his pack and us and youll get your mate".

~I still love her and she is my mate~ said my wolf.

"Yeah fine".

《Faiths P.O.V

I sceamed in pain while one of the guards hit me with the wip. They threw cold icy water at me. I shook I was weak and I had no idea where my brother was at. I tried getting up but a shock of pain went through me, i turn to see a sharp peice of ice was stuck into my leg. I pulled it out and sceamed, I watched as the clear water turned red.

"Ah, Faith you feeling alright", chuckled Liam.

"W-Where's my b-brother", I said freezing.

"Your dam brother escaped but if he comes back we warned him we will kill you".

"Y-You monster", I manage to yell.

"That isnt so nice",he smiled.

He wipped me but I didnt sceam I couldnt feel nothing my back was num and bleeding.The world looked like it was spinning and let the darkness take me.

Omg! Lol will Faith live? Well sorry its short.


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