She Said Yes.

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Faith P.O.V

I walked down the aisle with Asher hand locked in mine. I had a long white dress, my eyes met Sage who was in a tuxedo waiting looking nervous. Just as we got there he let go of me and I stood upfront of Sage smiling. Tears again always find ways into my eyes, I quickly wiped them away and listen to the priest which was one are pack members.

"We have gathered here today for the marriage of Faith and Sage. The two mates who have now fall in love and ready to take it to the next level".

I remember the two days ago when he first purposed and now the day has come.

Two Days Earlier Shelby's P.O.V

I woke up with Sage's hand around my waist. I was still sore from the shooting but being next to Sage made it all better. I suddenly felt him get up,

"What are you doing", I yawned

"Um, I'm gonna go get some stuff just stay here alright", he smiled

"Alright", I said grabbing a pillow and hugging it.

He kissed my cheek before leaving. I sighed and stared at the window, I heard the garage open and an engine go on and quickly disappear. Suddenly I got a pain and quickly went to the bathroom and checked in the cabinet for a pregnancy test. Hey! Don't judge me we had fun....well I checked it and my eyes grew huge. Impossible. Right there upfront of me. I quickly let out a scream in excitement I was gonna be a mother.

I ran out the room but quickly slowed down. Make it a surprise! I slowed my walk and act normal.

"Good morning", I said rubbing my eyes

"Oh, good morning", said Asher quickly

I gave him a confused look before walking into the kitchen.

"Do you know where Sage have gone"?

It was silent, "I think he went to go get groceries or something".

I grabbed cereal and some milk before sitting down. I gave a huge sigh,

"What wrong with you", chuckled Asher


"You sure"?

"Hey you arn't me".

"What if I am", said Oscar

"Well you don't pour milk in my cereal", I said waving the gallon of milk

"What if I do", said Oscar standing up

"Well you don't know how much I like in my cereal".

He stood quiet defeated. I laughed and ate my cereal, Oscar and Asher looked a little off like they were hiding something and my wolf and I was determine to find out what was going on. I ran upstairs and grabbed one of Sage's coats and a margarine glass along with a hat and walked down stairs.

"What are you wearing", said Oscar

"I am a detective trying to find out what's up with you to", I said pulling out a notepad. 

Suddenly I felt the pain again. I dropped my notepad and sat down, Oscar and Asher turned there heads quickly to me.

"Shelby", questioned Asher.

"Its nothing its just me I had pains probably from the shooting", I smiled.

They nodded. 

Knock. Knock

I quickly ran up towards the door to see Ken, Jeff and Victor all standing there. They quickly hugged me,

"Man girl you strong I was so worried", said Ken

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