To my little lion

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I miss you

I miss my precious friend

I was a baby when we met

You were a baby too

You let me hug you and pet you and play with you then

when you got older and weren't as filled with energy

you let me use your soft fur as a pillow to rest my head 

you were and are my best friend 

so soft

and kind

when we got a new kitten and she got jealous of you 

you never minded that I played with her more often than you

because you wanted us both to be happy

you left me so sudden 

I could tell you were as scared as I was 

and I sung to you and held you in my arms

my angle my sun the one who's life was almost done

" You are my sunshine..

    my only sunshine
    you make me happy
     when skys are grey

   you'll never know dear 
   how much i love you...
    please.. don't take my sunshine away..." 

I sang you to to sleep and watched you so peacefully laying there


I was only in tears a few minutes after but the tears keep coming back to this day

I always stop because I knew you hated it when I cried 

I feel peace in knowing that the last thing you heard was my mom and dad whispering how they loved you.. how much we all loved you as i sang to you in between sobs..

My little lion, I think of her often

I thought i would write this well i had her on my mind 

Sophey, my beautiful feline.. my best friend and first baby

I write this because I needed to remember...

life may fade.. memories may too.. but love when its real and pure...

I believe is forever..   


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