A note to my past self

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Dear past self, 

Sometimes they aren't meant for us. Time to move on.  I know that you know there's someone else on your mind.  And he will come through for you in the summer, just like he always does. Be patient like you have been. Your patients will pay off eventually. Don't try to settle for second best. You really don't have to. No one who matters will leave over you wanting a closer relationship. Oh, and stop being so hard on everyone. It's no ones job but your own to make you feel happy. Strive to be happy. There aren't many people who know how to these days. So atleast try. 

On the topic of that other boy who will hurt you however, it was never going to work out. Tell him that, don't make him guess. Stop crying over someone who has never had the heart to confront you about anything. You are strong and don't need confrontation. You don't need that coward to break up with you. Break up with him like I know you will. Then take a deep breath, turn around and be his friend like you always have. Don't look back. He is a friend despite being a coward and that will never change. You care about him after all, don't you? I know you do.

Also, you are worthy. Just keep doing your best and you will find people who agree. Make sure to tell them the same. 

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