Chapter two

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Hello! This is just another chapter of my hopefully-good book..... enjoy!

***I do warn that this is more of a filler chapter meant to clear some things out, there is no other character interaction. that will happen in chapter 3.


Hello my dear reader! Is it okay if I call you dear? I mean, you must be one if you're taking some time of your most-likely busy-schedule to read my aimless thoughts and maybe even life-altering decisions. Well whatever, I don't care if you don't even want to be called my reader. You are. So my dear reader, it has been a day since the populars have sent me my death sentence, and I am happy to say that I am still alive! I mean, it doesn't really matter either way..... if I live I won't go to Formal and if I die I won't go to Formal.

Wait, just hold in for a tiny little microsecond. I can't believe that I've been so doltish to not tell you! (And if you're wondering what doltish means, look it up!) Well, in about seven and a half months the 11th Grade Formal will be here. And you're probably rolling your eyes all exasperated like and be thinking....

You: Pshh what a dramatic girl! You have plenty of time to score even the lowest of boys!

Me: Enough attention on you, for it is my story. And anyway, I don't have any friends now, so if you even so much as think that I will even talk to anybody- a boy at that- then you obviously need to read the title again. I'll give you ten seconds.

Okay, now that you've reread the title, do you honestly think that I would talk to anybody? Good, I'm glad you've got that ditzy idea out of that brain, (which I'm sure is much, much more intelligent than what you've just displayed. Don't worry, I still love you.... only less now.) Oh! And before I send this little thought back into the void and let it drift into oblivion forever, I want to give you a little background information about who you're reading about. Moi.

The traits (both mediocre and bad)
Rebecca Caroline Trumble.

(You see, I would have put- The traits (both good and bad) of Rebecca Caroline Trumble- (Which is my full name) but that would be a lie, for I have no good traits, I even surprised myself when I put mediocre, what I was going to put was- The traits (both inauspicious and infelicitous) of Rebecca Caroline Trumble- but hey, I want to not seem like the complete loser that I am, so mediocre it is! (And if you don't know what inauspicious and infelicitous mean.....Look it Up!) Any-whozers, back to my traits.

-Rich-gold blonde hair, (wavy-ish).

-Hazel eyes..... more greenish/gold/brown kind of hazel. (Though they can change color from the wonderful varieties of poopoo-brown, dull-gray, booger-green, and fabulous gold/baked-like-a-cake brown).

-Short, thin, pale......

----end of list---

Well, as you probably have noticed I'm very insignificant, and the rest of my little world thinks so too. Don't protest because I am just the lowest outlier there is.

There you go again, with your sympathy and protesting again. If I'm so significant and so not pathetic, then tell me why I don't have any real friends, and the only boys that I like (with exception of one boy particular, which I will talk about more.... later....) are fictional. Examples: Tobias, Augustus Waters, Percy, Charlie, Q (or Quentin), and much much much more. (Including Day, and Thomas.)

Well I'm sorry to say that I'm running a bit short on my time with you, my Dear Reader, (and I don't care if you don't want to be a 'Dear' or a 'Reader'), but I must bid ado, for I have stuff to do.

Until next time, and until something interesting happens to me will I share my thoughts with you. (Just kidding, I'll share my thoughts no matter how much I bore you to death!)


SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I do hope that you were entertained, if the least bit mildly, and I do hope that you will continue readin this story. I want to thank you guys for giving it a shot and as always



-And press that Magical Little Star


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