Chapter three

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so guys, those of you who read Destruction, don't fear. I hopefully will have another chapter posted soon, I've just been trying to get this one started....m soo yeah.... Enjoy :D


Right now, a girl of the age thirteen and-a-half sits in a comfortable beanbag in the corner of the school library. She is deeply immersed in the last few pages of Prodigy, and seems to be crying. That girl is me.

"No!" I protest softly. My eyes are wet and my heart aches. Yes I know that I'm being dramatic, that it's 'just' a book..... but the ending to this particular book is devastating. Day and June have just inevitably broken up (sorry for the spoiler), and now I feel as hollow as June probably does at the moment. I finally understand what Belladonna read to me- Just too many things- and I wish that I hadn't even picked up the first book in the series at all! If I had just ignored the arrays of eye-catching gold, then my heart wouldn't feel this way. (But if somehow Mari Lu is reading this, I want to say- What an amazing cliffhanger!) Anywho, I need to stop breaking the fourth-wall so much, I don't even know if anyone's reading this, but no more fourth-wall breaking for you!

I snap the book shut with my right hand and I quickly wipe my eyes with my left, I can't have the whole world notice what a sniveling little crybaby I really am.

   (Quite ironically I need to make one quick little side-bar. I'm the type of person that can get noticed, that gets noticed, but is easily forgotten if I don't want to make a lasting impression. Henceforth why I don't have any real friends.)

    I look up at the large clock that hangs over the reference desk of the spacious library. It reads ten fifty-three. I have two minutes until the bell, then it's off to my locker, then to orchestra for an hour.

My school has a very...... complex bell schedule. Each class is forty-five to fifty minutes long, with exception of fourth period which is an hour, only because each person gets thirty minutes to eat lunch, and each grade has a different lunch- A, B, and C lunch. Lucky me, I have C lunch, which most of the eighth graders have. Then, when the bell rings, you have five minutes to maneuver your way to your next class. Also, in between each class, they play four minutes of music, and when it's a minute to the bell, the front office cuts the music off, signaling that you only have a minute, so you need to get your snail-butt into your classroom.

Simple? Yes.
Easy to remember? No.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Don- the bell rings. (the last bell always cuts off short for some reason.) I sigh and wipe my eyes one more time before picking up my stuff and start to walk, with the rest of my class, out the library doors. (I have Mr. Hall third and today he wanted us to have quiet reading/book-checkout time in the library). I hug my binders close to my chest incase anybody thinks to binder-check me. It's really not fun when all your papers scatter on the floor around you. But by hugging-my-stuff-closer, I'm easily noticed and therefore, an easy target.

Oh joy! Here Belladonna and her evil little lackeys come.

Please move ahead, don't see me, don't touch me! I send a silent plea into the Cosmos as I quicken my pace in a desperate effort to get away from them. But my efforts are in vain, my fast-walk skills not fast enough.

"Move out of the way bee-itch!" Belladonna hisses. And yes, she says the 'b' word like bee itch. And she crams me into the wall. For a split second my arms loosen around my belongings and one of her cronies, Emily I believe, smacks her hand down onto one of my binders, and they spill to the floor. I have just managed to get wall-jammed and binder-checked at the exact same time. It must be some sort of world record.

Others pass me by, hardly even glancing my way, trying to stifle their amusement about what had happened when they do recognize my existence as a living human being..

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