Chapter four

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Well I had sooooo much writing this chapter. apart from the fact that it's my favorite number and I made it extra lengthy because of that!! (Divergent fandom, I'm looking at you <4) I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.


"You are released!" My orchestra teacher announces. I sigh with relief and prop my Cello (yes I play cello) up on one knee, twisting the little knob at the base of it, I push the endpin back in and turn the knob once more to secure the endpin. Once my school-cello is ready to put away, I stand up and pick my bow off of the stand, walking over to one of the cello racks stationed on one wall of the room.

Today, orchestra was such a drag. We don't have any upcoming competitions, so all we did was sightread. I shake my head, sightreading was so easy.

Once everything was intact, (the bows had to be facing the same direction. Don't ask, I'm just weird and OCD like that), I pick up the current book I was reading. And no, it was not Champion, the third and final book to the Legend series. It was The Fault in Our Stars. I've heard it's good, the movie is coming out June of next year so I figured that I should read it. I leave the orchestra room, book and lunch in hand, and tread down the stairwell. The noise of the Cafeteria hits my ears before I can see it. C-lunch was always the loudest.

Once I reach the lunchroom, I absently walk my way over to my table. It wasn't anybody else's table. Why? Just because it was my table. It could be Sally and Becca's table, it could be Bob and Becca's Table. But it's not because it is just my Table, there is no Sally, nor a Bob that would even desire to sit with me.

Its the Table in the back corner. The Table with the broken chair. The table that everyone avoids because it's right next to the lost and found. And once I reach my Table, I see that it's also the Table that Belladonna and her lackey's decided to sit at. Of Course. Why not? It's not like I've been sitting there my whole middle-school life. I'm usually a pretty chill gal, but not when it comes to my Table.

"Hey, that's my table." I mumble, looking down at my lunch. Belladonna stands up and looks around on her seat.

"I don't see your name on it." She sneers. "Why don't you go sit with the geeks? Oh wait." She covers her mouth with her hand in mock surprise. "Not even those losers will take a social-screw-up like you." I feel my temper start to rise, my grip tightens around my book.

"I'm not a screw up." I mutter. I don't usually stand up to her, in fact, I don't even think this counts as 'standing up' to anyone, but she's sitting at my table, and I've had enough.

"Oh really? Then why don't you have any friends? Huh Becca?" She spits my name. "You're just a pathetic loser with no life, and no friends." I set my jaw and look her square in the eye, putting as much hate as I can into the glare. "Clearly you are the lowest of the low."

"Oh yeah? I'd rather be a loser than an egotistical jerk. Also, I prefer Socially-Awkward Nobody. Loser is so fifth grade." Except I didn't say that. A voice from behind me did. I spin around and I see a very pissed Wrenston.

"Oh look, it's the new girl from Hell." I blanch at the words, but Wrenston doesn't seem fazed. "Infact, I think it's the devil himself, hmm,  funny, I didn't know he'd be that ugly." Wrenston let's out a short, harsh, laugh.

"Didn't you know? It's Try-to-be-like-the-school-skank day. I see that you stayed yourself." I cover my mouth and stifle a laugh. Wrenston is amazing at comebacks.

"Oooooh!" I hear a girl say, obviously the only one watching, because no one else in the lunchroom seems bothered by the shenanigan. By the voice, I can tell it's Mackenzie. "Nice one new-girl!" Wrenston doesn't smile, instead she grabs my wrist and drags me to the opposite side of the lunchroom and finds a vacant table. She then drops my wrist and plops heavily into a plastic chair, her head in her hands. I awkwardly stand there- wait no, let me revise that. I am already the most awkward person alive, so technically I can't stand anywhere 'awkwardly'. Scratch 'I stand there awkwardly'. The new and more honest sentence is- I stand there.

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