Chapter 6 part 2 of 2

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***If you are in any way, shape, or form, homophobic, I strongly advise you STOP reading this book. You have been warned. If I see any hate in the comment section, I will not hesitate to block and report you.***

Can you believe it?! An update that isn't an authors note!! Its really a Christmas miracle! Lol, I'll shut up, so you can enjoy.... THE FULL REST OF CHAPTER 6!

About ten minutes later, we arrive at Olive Garden still a little damp, but dry enough. It was a windy night, so we had dried pretty fast, the crisp December air chilling, yet refreshing.

Wrenston jumps over to the door, and opens it, ushering us in.

"After you," she says in her most sophisticated voice she could muster. My mom smiles sweetly, and dips her head.

"Why thank you Wrenston." She says cheerfully, and steps through the door. Miss. Lomax nods in approval at Wren's actions, and steps through the door herself.

I step awkwardly in the entryway of the the restaurant, waiting for Wrenston, who steps by my side, letting the wooden door swing shut behind us.

"C'mon girls!" My mom calls, waving us forward. Wrenston grabs my wrist, and drags me over to our mothers, who are standing next to a waiter, which I'm guessing is going to show us to our table. Obviously.

The waiter seats us at a booth by a window that oversees the street outside. The sun is almost completely set, causing the sky to be dimly lit with radiant purples, and elegant blues.

I sigh contentedly, gazing out the window. It was so nice, to have a slight break from my counseling sessions, mash ups, and even Belladonna. Even if it is just a regular night like any other one this week, it felt different. Special, somehow.

"Hi, my name is Eve, and I'll be your waitress for this evening." I turn my head in the waiter's direction, and see that the waiter is not in fact a dude, but a girl whose hair is cut in a short pixie cut I was easily fooled by that, and her incredible lack of boobage.  "Can I start you off with something to drink?" She asks, smiling a rehearsed smile.

"Yes, I would like a gin and tonic on the rocks. Sapphire." My mom says. Miss. Lomax cocks an eyebrow.

"I'll have what she's having." She says, tilting her head in my mom's direction. The waitress nods her head as she jots the order down on her pin pad.

"And for you, ladies?" She asks, turning towards Wrenston and I. "Wait, let me guess, you would like a Coke?" She says, pointing her pen at me.

"Huh? No.... I'd like a Dr. Pepper, please." I say, a little confused.

"Oh... I just though because of your shirt....." She trails off. I look down, and see that I'm wearing my Coca-Cola shirt, it's incredible that I forgot that I had put it on. "Anyway, a Dr. Pepper and  a-" she pauses, waiting for Wrenston to order. I look over, and see a very distressed Wrenston flipping through her menu.

"Erm.... I..... Would like a lemonade" She decide "No that's not it.... perhaps a Fanta? Yes, an Orange Fanta please." She says to the waitress, who jots it down immediately. "Wait! No . I'd actually like a Coke!" She says hurriedly. The waitress, still looking down at her notepad, rolls her eyes slightly, mouthing an exasperated 'okay'', turns to the table, putting on a strained smile. "Actually could you change that to a Grape Fanta?" She asks quickly. The waitress, Eve purses her lips as she nods and scratches out Wrenston's past order.

"If that is all-" but Wrenston cuts her off, waving her hand frantically in the air.

"Can I change my drink to Lemonade?" The waitress sets her pen down on the table with a slam.

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