Chapter five

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Sorry it's been so long!! But it's a long chapter, and hopefully amusing!!!

Enjoy (:



"Grand, I'm on a roller-coaster that only goes up my friend."  I close The Fault in Our Stars slowly, a humongous grin spreading across my face. Augustus Waters is just so...... perfect! I let out a dreamy sigh that has been building up inside of me. I lay curled up in my breakfast nook. And yes, Dear Reader, I have a breakfast nook in my room. Which come to think about, I haven't told you much about. Okay, fine. (AHhhhh I thought Okay!!!) one little side-bar about my room, then, no more side-bars or you!

The Awesomeness and Amazingness
Rebecca Trumble's room

Okay, so my room is upstairs, to the left of the stairs to be exact, and lies directly across from my little sister's room. (My sister's name is Catherine, but you will hear me refer to her as The Turd most of the time.) Once you reach my room, you will see that the color theme is aqua-blue, and the perfect shade of green. (It is the most perfect shade. Not too limey, but not too dull. I don't have a name to describe it's gorgeousness).

Then, - be prepared for uncontrollable swag and awesomeness- you see a bunk bed by a window streaming with golden light. The top bunk is where I sleep, (obviously), and the bottom bunk is a little breakfast nook, complete with bookshelves stuffed to the bursting point with books of various sorts.
     At the front of the room is a dresser, bookshelves on either side. Then, on the right side of the room, (if you're laying in bed, towards the dresser), you will see a bathroom complete with toilet and bathtub/shower combination. Next to the door of the bathroom is my desk, just a simple white desk with yet another bookshelf mounted on the wall just above. (Not like a literal bookshelf, it's just one of those mounted storage cubes filled to the brim with my books.) Finally you will see in the back corner of the room where my main-book-attraction is. In the very special back corner are about four, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, around a chair and a lamp. A very cozy spot. (And no, these aren't crammed with books, only the first two are. The rest are filling up with my special books.)

-end of Amazing-Swag-

I stretch out on my breakfast-nook padding, reaching my arms above my head. My shirt lifts up, revealing my pathetically-pale stomach.

I was never a kid that was into sports, or parks, or running, or getting dirty, or outdoors- or the sun....Yeah, the whole sun concept really didn't make sense to me. Why play out in something that will only increase the chances of you getting horrible life-endangering skin cancers. Personally, I think when parents send their kids outside to play, to get some 'sun', that they're setting their kids up for an early death-wish. And I want to live to be very old, thank-you-very-much.

     Anywho, the sun sets over the horizon, casting warm arrays of fiery oranges and golden yellows through the window, causing colorful-dancing shadows to flit and flutter across my room, dotting my face with specks of light. I sigh, content with starting the book. Finally! I think, satisfied. I cast another glance out the window. It was getting kind of late, the sun is sinking low, though it was still pretty light outside. I stretch one more time, letting out a groan, before getting up, sitting on the edge of the nook. My eyes are narrowed at the sudden change of light. Sure, the room was practically a disco ball, but the lights were off in my room, the only light was the ever-fading sunlight streaming through the window, and dots danced before me. I slouch, rubbing my eyes, trying to get rid of those annoying splotches gathering in my vision.

"Becca!" My mom calls. I spike of irritation flares in my chest.

"What?" I yell back.

"What do you mean, 'what'? Our guests are here!" She calls back, frustration coating her words.

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