Chapter 6, part one

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This is half...? Of chapter 6. I feel so freakin guilty for not posting in so long. I DID take it upon myself to edit the story, so I will (sometime or another) fix the obvious flaws in the previous chapters... So without further ado- bc I've made you wait long enough- CHAPTER 6!


My hands spring over my head as water rains down on us. The fire alarm blares, and my mom rushes over to the smoke detector to disable it. I look over at Wrenston and see that she is twirling in the water, eyes closed and a huge grin on her face. She tilts her head upwards and water droplets fleck her face, dotting her eyelashes with tiny, sparkling, water dots. A laugh erupts her, as she dances in the 'rain'. I look over at Ms. Lomax, and I see that she's doing the same as her daughter, dancing wildly. Then suddenly, the rain stops, but Wrenston doesn't. She continues to whirl and twirl and laugh.

"C'mon, Bec!" She says cheerfully. "Come dance with me!" And she grabs my hands and starts to move me around the kitchen, and soon she doesn't have to guide me, because I start to dance on my own.

Well, I wouldn't call it dancing, it was more like me convulsing in flailing spasms, so revise that 'dancing' statement.

I start to spaz on my own.

There, that sounds accurate.

A giggle sounds from behind me, and I snap around, only to see Wren with her hand over her mouth, trying hard not to explode into laughs. I immediately stop spazzing, and glare at her.

"Nice moves you got there Becca!" She enthuses between giggles.

"Oh shut up!" I snap, folding my arms over my chest.

"Alright, that's enough-" Miss. Lomax says breathlessly. I look over at her, leaning carelessly against a barstool. Now that I really look at Miss. Lomax, do I see how truely striking she is. She has sparkling brown eyes, and lush brown hair, (though a shade darker than Wrenston's). She is tall, lean, and has this nonchalant air about herself, much alike the vibe I get from Wren. I nod my head and plop down on the floor. Wrenston stays standing, her eyes twinkling.

"Our little dance session is sort of a tradition between us." Ms. Lomax adds, tilting her chin towards Wrenston.

"Oh?" I ask, leaning back on my hands.

"Yeah, in Texas, it doesn't rain a lot, so every time it did, we would go out and dance in it." She chuckles lightly, shaking her head. "The people in our town thought that we were crazy."

"Yeah..." Wren trails off. "When are we gonna go to Olive Garden?" She asks her mom, changing the subject.

"Right now!" I chipper voice- that was not Miss. Lomax's- says from behind me. I twirl around on my butt to face the voice. It was my mom. She offers me her hands and I take them, letting her pull me up.

"But we're all wet." I point out. My mom shrugs.

"Olive Garden is just across the road, and a little water never hurt anybody. Besides, the wind's blowing, so it should dry us off pretty fast." I consider this.

"Okay, then what're we waiting for?" I ask, bouncing on my heels.

"I don't know." She says with a wink, flashing me a smile.

✦ ✦ ✦

I know it's short, like it's pitiful, but at least it's something...? Please don't hate me

I am writing the 'second half' as you read this- so never fear!!

Also, I am writing yet ANOTHER Story, and it's a love story *wiggles eyebrows* should I post it?? Idk, but thanks so much for your patience, like srlsy, you guys rock!

Well, enough of my rambling, just be sure to....



-and Press that Magical Little Star!

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