f o u r .

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Peter's mind was elsewhere, more specifically Vaughn

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Peter's mind was elsewhere, more specifically Vaughn. He wondered if he found the note he pasted in the guest room that said he'll be leaving and a little goodbye.

He let out a defeated sigh as he continued wiping the counter with a damp rug, making sure it will look spotless when a customer comes in. After he finishes Annalise smacks his butt, "Ow!" He exclaims, rubbing the spot Annalise hit. Wherein Annalise just made a face and pinched Peter's cheek.

"Do you have to keep touching me?" Peter scolds, glaring at her. "When its necessary." She shortly replies giving him a cheeky smile as she wiped the empty smoothie glass. He rested his head in his palm, "I can get you fired." Annalise grin dropped and her blood raced.

"When its necessary." Peter winks at her and erupts to laughter. "Ha, funny." She grumbles, while continuing to wipe the glass.

He just shook her head and chuckles under his breath just then the soft tingle in the door got his attention but who was in the door mostly got him tongue tied.

The bruise in his cheekbone was still a little swollen but faint nonetheless, he still looked good under the ugly bruise.

Vaughn walks towards the counter- Peter (ahem) "Hey, thanks for letting me crash at yours last night."

Annalise's jaw dropped as she stared at Peter who replied, "It was no problem," Vaughn smiles and slips both his hands in his pockets, "Well, I'll see you around Pretty Boy." And he winks and then he's gone.

Annalise gaze flickered to the door then to Peter, then she shrieks, "What was that?!" Peter snapped out of daze because of her ear piercing shriek, and it got a few attention of the customers. Peter just gave them apologetic smiles and he turned to look at Annalise who crossed her arms.

"What?" Peter innocently asks as he just wipe the imaginary dust in the counter, "What was 'Thanks for letting me crash at yours last night' and 'Pretty Boy'?" Annalise lowly asks as she raise a brow.

Peter shrugged "He just appeared in my apartment all bloody and bruised so I just bandaged him and I let him sleep at my guest room." Annalise narrows her eyes, "You do know he's just a stranger right?"

Peter rolls his eyes, "Is it bad to give a helping hand to someone?" Annalise nods, "Especially strangers." Peter just sighs and placed his palm in her shoulder "I'm just fine, I know how to deal with them anyway."

"Well, since you can't deal with them with this," Annalise lifts his noodle arm, "I'm guessing a pepper spray?"

Peter's face turned red.

He slaps Annalise's grip of his arm and shrugs away, "Shut up." He mutters, embarrassed.

"Well, you can deal with them if you work out dude." Annalise chuckles as she turned her attention to the customer who asked for sugar.


Peter glanced back to the door,


pretty boy [dead]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя