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(Amina now has 15 kids: Carmelo and Dario, age 11; R'Driana, age 9; Lena Mela, age 8; Eden and Eve, age 5; Mya and Mia, age 3; Ty and Leo, age 1; Rockelle, Raven, and Rachel, age 1; and she is currently pregnant)

**Amina POV**

Dear Diary,
Everyone thinks its weird how close in age Ty and Leo are to the triplets, but I guess the doctor was right. After I had Mya and Mia it seemed like the process of pregnancy was getting easier. Ty and Leo were born in January, the triplets were born in June: 6 months apart.
I actually lasted 2 years without Wayne knowing I have kids! I wonder how long I can keep this up. I know one thing though, all this music needs to start helping me out financially, I can't keep my kids all far apart like this forever.
Currently, the older kids are home in California with Nic, while Mya, Mia, Ty, Leo, Rockyy(Rockelle), Raven, and Rachel are with me in New York. We're staying with my friends from High school in their apartment.
Ironically, I started dating their friend across the hall, and I ended up pregnant with the triplets. We broke up though, I hate staying with the same guy for too long, I'm not the commitment type person, I get bored.
After I broke up with him I ended up dating his roomate and now I'm pregnant again! My friend keeps asking me if I think its awkward, of course I don't, its not like I fell in love.
Falling in love is a sign of weakness, the things people do for love, I refuse! Anyways, I best to get going.
Sincerely, Amina

It felt good to write things down for once, but I also felt childish. I put the book under my bed and looked over my sleeping children, I turned over and grabbed my phone.

**Onikas POV**

I laid back on the couch and listened to the new song Mini and I recorded, its amazing how we can do a song together without even being near eachother.

"Just when they thought it was safe to play I..."

The song was interrupted by a call from Mini:

O: Hello?
A: Nicki!
O: Mini!
(Thats our thing that we do all the time)
A: Hows Cali?
O: Hot! Hows New York?
A: Cold
O: wanna trade?
A: Nahh I'm good. Hows my kids?
O: Great!
A: What I miss?
O: Carmelo made Honor Roll, Dario made Student of the month, R'Driana and Lena Mela are playing softball this season.
A: Aww! That's great! What about Eden and Eve?
O: Still quiet as can be. But they are VERY artsy,
A: Like how artsy?
O: Ima mail you some stuff its amazing!
A: Okay! Well tell everyone I said hi and I love you all!
O: Okay I will! We all love you too!
A: Kay I got to go!
O: Alright MUAHHH

I hung up the phone and turned on the TV, Mini killed my vibe I don't feel like listening to music anymore, besides I recorded Judge Judy! Just as the theme song thingy came on I heard whispering upstairs. I walked up slowly and stopped at the top of the stairs.

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