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Amina now has 21 kids: Carmelo and Dario (age 15), R'Driana (age 13), Lena Mela (age 12), Eden and Eve (age 9), Mya and Mia (age 7), Ty (age 5), Rockyy, Rachel, Raven (age 5), Zyairah, Zhaliyah, Zhakiyah, Xavier, and Zhaire (age 1), Brooklyn and Brandy (age 4), Deja and Diva (age 3), she is pregnant now...

**Minis POV**

"Baby please stop shaking." I whispered to Brandy. Its been 4 years and Drake still hasn't noticed her and Brooklyn's birth defect. I want it to stay that way, they have a doctors appointment at noon today, I made sure I scheduled it while Drake was busy so he wouldn't come along.

"Okay Mommy " Brandy replied resting her head on my chest. I checked the time, 7:30am. We were the only ones awake since it was Saturday, but I still keep my time with Ty on a schedule now that he is completely paralyzed.

"Babygirl, Ima go pray with Ty. You can come with me so I can hear you read him a story." I said.

"Yay! Reading! " she cheered silently. I carried her upstairs to Ty's room and turned on the dimmer lights so it wouldn't be too bright.

"Buenos días niño." I whispered as I walked into the room. He opened his eyes and I hugged him. Afterwards, Brandy and I knelt by his bedside and we prayed.

After prayer, Brandy chose to read Peter Rabbit. She read slowly, only messing up a few times.

By 8:30, everyone else began waking up so we hurried downstairs to make Ty a smoothie. As I fed it to Ty, Brandy entertained us with a story of a princess in a castle.

After Ty was fed, we left him to rest and we got dressed to meet everyone downstairs.

"Where's Aunt Nicki?" I asked when I noticed she wasn't with everyone else.

"I don't know." Lena said.

"Haven't seen her, " R'Driana replied.

"Hmm... I'm gonna go check her room, maybe she still sleeping." I walked up the stairs slowly, the steps creaked slightly with each step I took.

"Nic? " I called out when I reached the 3rd floor.

No answer.

"Nic? " I called again, now I stood at her bedroom door.

No answer.

"Nicki! " I yelled, knocking on the door.

No answer.

"Nicki wake up! " I whispered opening up the door. The room was empty, clean, as if she had never been there. The bed was made neatly, the closet was clear, then I noticed a piece of paper with her favorite pink pen on top of it. I walked over and put the pen in my bun.

I read the note:

Dear Mini,

Sorry I had to leave. I couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't fair! It NEVER is... You always take what makes me happy away from me. Even when you don't mean to. But its fine, whatever. You be Nicki Minaj or Mini Minaj on your own. Sorry to leave you with all of your kids to take care of all alone. But then again, YOU decided to have so many kids, so you can figure out your own life. Have fun.

Sisters forever? Bye..

I sat in shock after reading the letter. After all we'd been through together, she left me.


I felt bad about leaving Mini, but I couldn't stand it any longer. Safaree's helping me hide from her for now, just until I figure out where I'm gonna go.

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