Dear Old Nicki

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Amina still has the same kids, nothing has changed. Its only been 3 days LOL.

**Mini PoV**

"Hey mom.." R'Driana said with Lena Mela trailing behind her, they're always up to something.

"What do you two want? " I joked.

"So... I'm going to be 16 next month, don't you think you should help me practice for my driving test by letting me drive around more?" She asked, nervously.

"Eh.." I said, trying to make a decision.

"Why not? " Lena Mela blurted out.

"Neither of you have proven to be very responsible." I explained. "Thats not fair! You taught Carmelo and Dario and you bought them a car! " R'Driana protested.

"A really nice one too." Lena added.

"They are more responsible." I said.

"What? How? " R'Driana questioned.

"Let's see, they both have jobs, good grade, do chores, need I say more?" I listed.

"Yes, " they replied in unison.

"Okay, I don't need to wake them up or rush them every morning, they make meals often, they run errands, do sports, and more." I continued.

"We do sports, and have good grades." They said.

"Yeah, thats it though..." I got up and walked to the kitchen, "End of conversation."

"But..." Lena pleaded.

"Look both of you need to act more responsible before I trust either of you driving." I stated.

"Okay then," R'Driana said as she ran upstairs with Lena right behind her.

"Love you!" I called after them. I poured a glass of iced tea and chuckled to myself.


"You almost blew my cover!" I exclaimed hitting Safaree with a pillow. "You know you suck at lying, what if she pops up here unexpectedly and finds me?"

"New plan, if someone knocks on the door, you hide in the spare room and I answer the door." He suggested.

"Thats so stupid!" I yelled, just then I heard a knock at the door.

"Go!" Safaree ordered, pushing me towards the spare room. I tripped over the rug and fell hard on the floor. I heard Faree open the door so I army-crawled to the spare room but left the door open.

"You owe me an explanation." I heard Mini's stern voice.

"About? " Safaree asked nervously, I heard Mini's footsteps approaching my hiding place.

"She's been here, hasn't she? " Mini asked, I imagined tears in her eyes. I moved back into the far corner behind the bed, I peeked and saw Mini close to the doorway but she wasn't looking inside.

"Answer Me!" She yelled, and the tears came rolling down her face.

"Calm down." Faree coaxed.

"I know she's here now," Mini sighed, "She's hiding right?"

"Yeah," Faree replied as I watched him put his arm around her.

"Where?" She asked between sobs, "She can stay hiding, I just want to be close to talk to her, she doesn't even have to respond."

I sighed softly as Faree glanced in the room. We locked eyes, I nodded my head then hid a little deeper. I heard Mini enter the room.

"Nic? " she whispered. I tapped the wall softly in response. "Where are you?" She asked, so I banged on the wall.

I heard her jump, I must've startled her.

"Will you write to me as we speak right now? You don't have to show your face." She offered.

I thought for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

"Tap twice for yes and once for no."

I tapped twice.

"Okay," I heard her fumbling through her purse. "I have paper and a pen, I'm going to sit it on the bed and I will leave and close the door so you can get it." She left the room.

I took the pen and paper then returned to my hiding spot. She reentered the room and sat on the bed.

"Why are you hiding from me? " she asked.

I think its best.

I slid the paper away from me.

"Thats where you are." I peeked and saw her smiling. "I see you!" She gasped.

I tucked my head back behind the blanket.

"Say something, I need to hear your voice." She pleaded, I tapped twice on the wall.

"I love you Nicki, you're my big sister even though we are twins. We've always been together so its killing me not having you around through everything now." She began crying. I cried too.

"Can you come out? " she asked, I felt her crawl close to me, her hand reached out and touched my forehead. The only thing between her hand and my forehead was the blanket I was hiding behind. She moved her hands down to my shoulders and I felt her head lay on my chest.

"Don't cry." I sobbed softly.

"If you stop, I will too." She replied. The tears continued to roll down my cheeks and I knew she hadn't stopped crying either.

"I love you Mini." I hugged her.

"I love you too Nicki." She snuggled closer to me.

After a few minutes I lightly pushed her away, she was asleep. I got out from my hiding place and tucked her into bed. I lay next to her and rested her head on my chest. She stirred and looked up at me smiling.

"I'm sorry," I sighed kissing her forehead.

"Shut up and hug me! " she laughed and snuggled herself closer to me.

"So damn bossy! " I laughed hugging her.

"Just like old times! " She sounded so happy.

"Mhhmm.. my baby sis." I sighed.

"Big sister Nicki " she smiled and buried her head deeper into my chest.

"How many times must I tell you," I laughed rubbing her back, "you always try to snuggle into me so much, do you want to be under my skin?"

"The closer I am to you, the safer I feel." She replied before we both drifted off to sleep.

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