Willy Wonka (CATCF)

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I'm proud of this one ^_^

"It's not that hard" I rolled my eyes at my brother as he continued to play his video game, ignoring the news reporters in our house

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"It's not that hard" I rolled my eyes at my brother as he continued to play his video game, ignoring the news reporters in our house. He had won a golden ticket, but he doesn't even like chocolate, not even a little. I could never understand the little demon.

"Y/n, you're coming to the factory with us, cant have you glued to the screen too" my mom smiles at me. I crossed my arms and sat down next to him for a minute "Mike, we're leaving in ten minutes, might as well get on your phone now" he looks over at me and nods, turning the tv off reluctantly, "Thanks" he murmurs and I go to get changed. I threw on a pair of black jeans and a long sleeve violet shirt with my black combat boots (hehe, Violet... I'll go home). Mike and I left the house and started on a long journey to the factory.

We arrived at the factory some time after and I was shocked to say the least. This factory was huge, and I was sure that this wasn't all there was. "Now let's get the small talk out of the way" Mr.Wonka greeted the other guests and I couldn't help but stare at him for longer than I would've liked. He seemed like a child, but of course who wouldn't act like a little kid if they owned an entire chocolate factory. "Hey doofus, do you have wifi?" I cringed at the sudden rude exclamation from my brother and I hit him on the back of the head "Mike" I said through gritted teeth and he stuck his tongue out at me. "Ah yes, Mike Teevee, the boy who hacked into my computers" Mike laughed at him a little bit "So, Mike the brain, you must explain how you hacked the ticket" Mike muttered another dude comment and I hr his head again.

"Who is this lovely lady?" He asked, looking at me with a grin, my face got warm and he took my hand, shaking it like he had all of the time in the world for me. "I-I'm uhm... I'm uh... hi" I smiled nervously as my heart kind of raced, butterflies flying around in my heart. Ugh, how girly could I possibly sound. "Y/n" Mike sneered at Wonka, crossing his arms, mad that his phone was taken from him. "Lovely name, lovely girl too" he whispered the last part to me, I'm not sure anybody heard it, they were all too preoccupied with their own conversations. His smile relaxed a little bit and he let go of my hand, he leaned forward towards me and Mike glared at him "We must talk after this whole thing" I nodded with a smile and his eyes lit up like he was told he would get candy, not like he needed it.

After some insane events, for example, two little girls met horrible fates and one little boy, Agustus, was sent up a chocolate machine, we finally got to a room Mike would enjoy. A room with a tv in it, what else? "If you can teleport chocolate in the tv, could you put a person in there?" "I could, but it wouldn't be safe" he laughed nervously and Mike ran over to the stand the chocolate was once on and he pressed the button, despite Wonka's protests. "What happened to him?!" I ask, terrified for my brother. I grabbed him by his jacket and his eyes widened "What happened to my brother?" I asked him quickly and he raised his hands in surrender, his face turning as red as a cherry. "D-don't worry, p-please, I can f-fix this" he rushes out with a little smile "Everyone wait here, don't move, stay put" he says, taking my arm and leading me over to a panel. "Just press this button," he says, pointing at a small arrow button "It will go forward and when you find your brother, simply just... put your hand in the screen and grab the tiny bugger" I widened my eyes "And then he'll be normal?" "Nobody goes back to normal after they've been on tv, everybody knows that". He grabbed my hand and put it on his cheek, my face felt warm again. "Dear, you look like a cherry- don't fret, I will take him to the taffy pulling room, he'll be back to normal" "Taffy pulling room?!" He squeezes my hand "Just relax, look for him, it shouldn't be too hard" he slowly let my hand go and went back over the the group and I put my head in my hands, beginning to look for my brother "I am so screwed".

"How do you feel?" "Tall" I look down at Mike, he's only taller by a few inches, he almost looks like he used to, but I don't think he'll grow normal again. I put my arm around him "Don't worry, we can blame him for this" he says to me, sighing as we walked away from the factory. "Y/n! Wait!" I turn around and Mike rolls his eyes "Hey-" I cover my brothers mouth and tell him to be quiet "What is it Mr-" "Willy, please" "What is it?" "I was wondering if you'd like to talk? For a minute?" I pat Mike's head and tell him to wait for me by the door. "Tell me," he loops his arm with mine and I turn pink for what feels like the millionth time "What candy is your favorite?" I raise my eyebrows and he turns me to him, grabbing my shoulders with a sincere look in his eyes "C-chocolate, of course" I say, not sure what he wants. "Favorite color?" "Violet" "Lovely color, Violet, that's my favorite as well, and who doesn't love chocolate, well dogs, but besides them" I cross my arms and his hands tighten on my shoulders "What are you playing at?" He responds quickly "Playing? Can't I talk to a beautiful girl?" He says, still looking nervous.

"Y/n! Come on!" Mike whines and I wave my hand at him in annoyance. "Can you hurry, I have to go" "Maybe, you could just... not leave" I look at him weirdly, turning my head a little bit "What?". "Stay here, stay with me, don't spend your life taking care of the kid, take care of me instead" I smile a little bit. "You're so childish, Willy" his eyes sparkle when I say his name, like it's one of the best things he's ever received. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me, no warning, just doing, and it's wonderful. It tastes like all the candy you could ever want in the world, I kiss him back and reach my hand up to his head, taking off his hat and wrapping my arms around his neck, my leg going up a little bit.

"Y/n!" My mom yells my way and I turn my head to her, Willy's lips kissing my cheek repeatedly as his arms tightened around my waist. "I guess you'll be staying here then" she waved at me "As long as you're happy, even with him" I roll my eyes and wave at her. I turn my head back to Willy and peck him on the lips, "So... chocolate?" He giggles and nods, taking my hand and skipping back into the factory with me close behind.

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