Christian Borle

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"In A Crowd Of Thousands" from Anastasia is the song used (recommend it 10/10)

"Okay, let's get started, are you two ready?" The director, who was also my best friend, asked Christian and I. We both give short replies and the music began to play throughout the small studio room. Christian put his hand on my shoulder and I immediately got very nervous, deciding in that moment to focus on my voice and not the way he made me feel.

"It was June
I was ten
I still think of that day now and then
A parade and a girl
And a crowd of thousands
She sat straight as a queen
Only eight but so proud and serene
How they cheered
How I stared
In that crowd of thousands"

His voice made me want to melt into a puddle as he got into character as Dmitry. I could feel the change almost immediately and I stared at him as Anastasia would look at Dmitry, but I'm not sure I was acting as his voice carried through my ears like water down a stream. He finished his verse as gracefully as possibly, wanting to keep his character soft in the moment.

"The parade travelled on
With the sun in my eyes she was gone
But if I were still ten
In that crowd of thousands
I'd find her again"

"You're making me feel I was there too" I said, to which he shook his head and gave a smile "Maybe you were, make it part of your story" my arms hung as my sides as I began to sing, playing with the bottom of my jacket as Anastasia would do.

"A parade"
"A parade"
"Passing by"
"Passing by"

"It was hot
Not a cloud in the sky
Then a boy
Caught my eyes"

"In a crowd of thousands"

We sang together and my chest fluttered the tiniest bit. I looked at my hands and smiled nervously, looking back at him, keeping my smile.

"He was thin
Not too clean
There were guards
But he dodged in between
Yes he made himself seen
In that crowd of thousands
Then he called out my name
And he started to run
Through the sun and heat and the crowd
And I tried not to smile but I smiled"

I stepped forward, and my eyes widened a little bit, my smile fading and 'realization' falling over me.

"And then
He bowed"

He reached his hand out to me with wide eyes and I looked at him, half in character, and half impressed at his acting skills in the small scene  "I didn't tell you that" I smile wide and nearly jump "You didn't have to! I remember!" I put my hands on his arms, him copying my action as we sang together.

"The parade travelled on
With the sun in my eyes you were gone
But I knew even then
In a crowd of thousands
I'll find you again"

We finished singing and he got down on one knee, his hand over his heart as his head bowed before looking up at me "Your Highness" I smiled and he stood up, smiling at me, with a sense of wonder in his eyes. We held eye contact a few seconds after the music ended as we heard clapping come from (best friends name), I blushed as she told us she'd be right back with more music. He was still smiling at me as I looked back at him, he suddenly stepped forward and put his arms around my waist, kissing my forehead. "You were wonderful, perhaps we can talk about character development... maybe over dinner?" He asked, being confident but scared to ask at the same time. I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled up at him again.

"I would love to"

Christian Borle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now