At night

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Boruto and mitsuki came back. It was already dawn,but hinata and himawari weren't home yet.
"I'm gonna call and check if everything's okay. Mom usually calls if its urgent"boruto picked his phone and called hinata.
"So?"mitsuki was curious
"They're just staying with hima's friend. They have a project to finish."
"Oh, sounds like an important one"
"Maybe it is.. i don't really want to be alone y'know.."
Mitsuki smiled, although boruto didn't say directly he wanted mitsuki to stay.
"Do you want me to keep you company?"
Boruto raised his head, his eyes were shining from happiness
"HELL YEAH"he jumped off the couch and ran to his room.
Mitsuki was very happy to see boruto so exited. He followed boruto to his room.
"Do you wanna sleep with me?"boruto looked at him and cringed
"Sure, i don't have a problem" mitsuki raised his ahoulders.
Boruto laid down and put a blanket on
"What are you waiting for? Come here"
Mitsuki laid next to him.
Boruto's bed was very narrow so the boys were close to each other.
"Do you feel like sleeping yet?"
"I'd rather watch you"mitsuki smiled lightly.
Boruto blushed"hey,c-can i hug you?"
"I was going to ask the same thing"
Boruto slowly got closer to him and buried his head in the boy's chest.
Mitsuki wrapped his arms around him and put his chin on boruto's head.
For some reason boruto smelled mitsuki's body, he smelled like lavender. "You smell so good" boruto whispered.
"Really? Thanks"
"Your breath smells nice too.."
"Do people usually compliment that?"
"I do"boruto said as he kissed mitsuki softly. "It tastes good too.."he continued kissing mitsuki softly untill he got up and sat in mitsuki's lap. That's when the kiss got passionate. After some time, when they broke the kiss to breathe some air mitsuki asked
"What was the point in laying down? Honestly"
"How was i suppose to know you were gonna smell so good that i'd want to kiss you?"
Mitsuki took boruto's shirt off and started kissing his neck. When he got to the his sensitive part boruto moaned a little. Mitsuki smiled behind the kiss and sucked on the sensitive parts, leaving hickies.

Then he took boruto's arm and started kissing that. He left some hickies there too. After that he returned to boruto's lips. First, he licked them gently and then he kissed raughly, his hands were running up and down boruto's back, tauching his spine.
Boruto was trying not to moan, but many of them escaped through his mouth. The more boruto moaned,the more exited mitsuki was getting and the kiss was getting deeper, more passionate and enjoyable.
Boruto wrapped his legs around mitsuki so tight, the boy almost broke the kiss from sudden tauch.
"M..mi..mitsu..."boruto wanted to call his name but the kiss was interupting him..or he was moaning the name
"That's good, don't be shy. Moan lauder for me bo~ru~to"mitsuki had the mischivious smile and eyes which seemed to glow in the dark.

"Oii borutooo! Guess who came home today!" It was naruto's voice
*STUPID OLD GEEZER*boruto thought for himself but from his expression mistuki felt the amount of hate at the moment.
Boruto put his shirt on and went out of the room to see his annoying dad
"Hey! Hinata told me that they were staying at hima-chan's friend's house. I figured you wouldn't want to be alone"he said with a fatherly smile

"Well, you were right so i called a friend to keep me company, you know who doesn't come to see me if its too urgent" naruto felt the annoyence in boruto's voice
" okay i'll leave then"and he poofed..
"IT WAS A CLONE?!!!! WHAT THE- WHYYYY??" Boruto lost his temper and almost broke hinatas favourite vase but mitsuki stopped him and hugged him from behind
"Shhh its okay.. let's just sleep"and kissed his neck
"O-okay" boruto said and put the vase on its place.

This chapter was kinda long right? But i really enjoyed writing it. Sorry about the awkward ending😅
The name of the next chapter is:"the bath"really looking forward to write that one:3
Anyway have a great day and thanks for reading💖

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