Messiness; fighting

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In my mind a messy person is somebody who always wanna be in fights and drama. Honestly is hard for me to control my anger when I'm mad because I don't let nobody and I mean NOBODY disrespect me point, blank, period ☝🏽. So then if someone comes at me I will most likely start yellin at them but I've come to realize that it's best to stay at a low level and be calm If someone is comin at you yellin and screaming 🗣📣. Cuz if you just stay calm while the other person is screaming it's gonna make you look good and them look dumb asf 😂💀. So next time you get into a heated argument just stay calm, listen and look cute 😛😻👑

I'm not with that online social media beef shit either cuz all bitches would wanna do is move their fingers typing nd shit 👀. Like be a grown ass woman and tell me shit to my face ✋🏽😊.But if a bitch wanna fight somewhere and hits you first 🤜🏽💥. Sis, I don't know bout you but that's when I get permission to hit a bitch back. Cuz I would never put my hands on someone unless they put their hands on me first 😤. Never throw the first punch but always throw the last 😉. But frfr in all seriousness you shouldn't fight petty ass bitches cuz usually all they want is clout and attention. Unless the fight is about serious personal shit I wouldn't waste my time on it 😂👋🏽⌚️.

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