The "N" word

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Happy 4th of July babes 🇺🇸💙❤️😘

There's a lot of controversy on this topic, because of the history behind the word. When I was in school I actually had a  class argument/debate about it, and I was the only black person in my class so I felt like I was speaking in behalf of the black race.

When I was talking and right when I said "being a black person..." almost every white person instead of my friends looked at me like I really wasn't black 🙄😑. But I kinda just brushed it off and kept talking but what I think about the word is that it's okay to say it, as long as it's not in a way to purposely offend someone else. Although what does bother me is if someone says "nigger" I guess I don't like the "er" at the end because:
• it's just so extra 😒
• and it sounds more offensive overall 😐
I also don't like "negro" cuz that's when something is crossing a mf line...😤🔙

I don't think of the word "nigga" as offensive because I mean it's in almost all rap music today and people use it as a term of endearment:
"Wassup my nigga" or "that's my nigga right there"
But girls use it more as:
"That nigga played with my emotions" or "These niggas are dumb asf"

What gets on my nerves tho is that white people start to say it. I'm my view point, I would understand if you're white grew up in the hood and that's the kind of language you were surrounded by, then I'd see why you would use that word, ya heard? 😕

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