Sound the Alarm

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The fire alarm rang throughout the fire station as the fighters woke up and began to throw on their outfits.

"House fire! 101 North Elm Street! Multiple engines required!" the chief yelled over the loud speaker. Keith had was the first to get ready then ran to do a once over on his truck.

"Get in! We have to go," his older brother, Shiro, who worked alongside him, yelled when he jumped into the driver's seat. Keith and the rest of his team jumped onto the truck and the first to speed out towards the fire. Tires screeched and sirens blasted. The moment they arrived at the scene, Keith put on his oxygen tank then gathered his equipment and ran inside to find the owner.

"Hello! Where are you!?" Keith's voice was muffled through is oxygen mask as he began his search.

"Help, I'm back here!"

"I'm on my way," Keith responded and treaded to the back of the owner's house. Then suddenly, a wooden beam fell in front of him making sparks fly everywhere. Shit Keith thought as he grabbed his axe and started to break it down. It took him a few hits before the beam finally broke. When it did, he ran to the back to get to owner.

"Where are you?" Keith asked loudly as he entered the room.

"I'm down here," a tall, lanky, tan boy coughed as he climbed out from under the bed.

"C'mon. We gotta get you outta here," Keith rushed as he picked the boy up bridal style and started to rush though the house to the escape the growing flames. It only took a few seconds considering that he had already broke that one obstacle that was in the way.

"I found him! Get him a mask," he yelled as he set the boy on the end of an ambulance then ran to hose to help the rest of his team put the fire out. The boy eventually got the mask and held it as he watched the raven-haired savior do his work.

"Thank you, once again, for saving me."

"This is what I signed up for," Keith smile as he wiped off some soot on the others cheek.

"The name's Lance," he smiled then held out his hand.

"Keith," he smiled then shook Lance's hand.

"Until we meet again," Keith tipped his helmet the began to walk back to his truck.

"Until then," Lance smiled as Keith got into the truck.

Weeks passed with both of them thinking about each other, but never seeing. Lance had just finished moving into his new apartment because his house was beyond repair. He was heading out the get some food one day and as he was checking out he saw a red and blue flyer on the window of the store. He paid for his things then walked over to it.

Station 1 Fund Raiser Fun

Money for burn victim's

food, shelter, clothing and, more.

Inflatables for the kids and

Raffles for the adults

Come and enjoy our

Fund Raiser Fun

Lance gave the biggest smile as he went home and prayed for the 2 days, that were labeled on flyer, to come as fast as possible. One day passed of Lance sat and stared out his window with a smile. Day two was there in a flash and Lance shot out of the bed and began to get ready as fast as possible so he could be the first one there. He started ran out to his car and drove to the bank to pull out a large sum of $100. He wanted to give a big thanks to Keith for saving him. He got there and, sadly, he wasn't the first one there. There was a line of people, but he had to wait, impatiently, so there wasn't a scene. It took a lot longer than he expected, but he got to the table while Keith was looking down writing down numbers on a chart. Lance smiled and laid an envelope with his name on it on the table in front of Keith.

"Hello, thank you fo-," Keith cut off as he looked up at the peppy looking Lance. A smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Well, welcome to the fund raiser. I didn't expect you to show up," he said as he opened the envelope.

"Yeah, well, it wouldn't be very nice of me if I didn't come and say thanks to the man who saved my life."

"Holy shit," Keith whispered as soon as that last word dripped from Lance's mouth.

"Heh heh, it's the least I could do," Lance chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"But you didn't have to do this," Keith gaped.

"But I wanted to," Lance smiled with a blush. Keith smiled and got up to hug him because Lance was the last one in line. Lance blushed profusely and hugged back as he buried his head into Keith's neck.

"I never thought that I would ever see you again," Keith whispered after he pulled away from the Cuban.

"Then that makes two of us." Both of them smiled from ear to ear.

"Hey, um," Lance paused then spoke again, "I know this question might seem a little weird, but do you have an extra room?" Keith's face turned redder than his firetruck.


"Ya see, the apartment that I was moved into has a single bedroom, a single bathroom, and only one eye that works on the stove. And don't even get me started on how much space is needed for my bathroom essentials," Lance joked around while moving around his hand. Keith smiled as the blush calmed.

"I'm sure I can find space somewhere," Keith said as a faint half smile appeared.

"Really?!" Lance yelled with pure excitement, "I was just asking to be asking, but I didn't think that you would actually say yes. I mean I'm more than happy you did say yes because that solves a bunch of my problems, and don't worry about me taking up too much space, well all except the bathroom- I might take up some space there. And I promise there won't be any messes. I will also cook for you in return for you letting me live with you an- "he was cut off by a pair of lips touching his. Keith stood there a smiled as Lance kept talking on and on, but he felt that Lance was wanting to do so much for him so he kissed him. Lance's eyes shot open at his gesture then melted right into it. Then Keith pulled away when he looked behind Lance and saw his older brother, smiling at him.

"So," Keith smiled with a blush, "When do we get your stuff out of that cramped apartment." Lance's smile lit up Keith's life from that moment forward. And it made it better when he saw that same smile at their wedding day.

~Happy Ending~

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