Story 1: The Text

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The Text

One day a young girl named Lucy was walking home from school. She's your average student, works hard and she has a good amount of friends. When she got home there was a note on the fridge.

Dear Lucy,

Me and your father are going to a meeting in America and we won't be back until next Saturday. Don't leave the house unless its for school and grocery shopping. Your friends can come over but no parties. We don't want the house a mess when we return.

Lots of love,

Mom and Dad

After Lucy read the note she automatically got out her phone and she texted all of her friends and asked if they wanted to come over.

After about half an hour all of her friends where there and they were all talking when Lucy's phone went of. Lucy picks up the phone and she looks at the number. "It's no one I know, so lets continue talking about what we're going to do for the next week!!" Lucy says to all of her friends in a high chirpy voice.

They decide to have a sleep over and then a party the next day. Lucy was going to make sure nothing got broken or smashed during the party because she wanted to show her parents that she was still a good person.

Later on the night of the sleepover Lucy got a text from the same number that called her earlier. "I hope I can see you later, just you and I no one else." Lucy read aloud to her friends. "So who is he Lucy, some guy from school?!?!" Sophia one of Lucy's friends asks.

"I dunno, I don't recognise the number. Do you think I should ask him?!" Lucy replies. "Yes!!" All of her friends say at once. Lucy types "Who are you? Are you from school?" She gets a text right afterward and it says, "I'm not from school but I know someone from your school. I'm Mathew but you can call me Mat."

"Well Mat it's nice to meet you but I have to go my friends are waiting for me down stairs. We're having a sleepover. :)" Lucy texts back unaware that Mat is just outside her front door. The doorbell rings just as Lucy starts to walk down the steps.

"Who's that? Isn't everyone here?!" Lucy asks. "Yeah we're all here, but it looks like some guy. You didn't invite a guy did you?" Hayley asks. "No! I would never invite a guy!" Lucy says back angrily.

Lucy walks up to the door and she look through the peep whole and a knife goes straight into her eyeball. Lucy falls over and her friends try and stop the bleeding.

The door opens and Mat kills all of the girls and he is never heard from again. When the parents get off the plane in America they get a call from the local police in their town. The police tell them that their daughter is in the hospital and that she's in critical condition.

There's no telling if she'll live and that the parents should come back to see there daughter. When the parents got back they heard that all of Lucy's friends had been killed and that Lucy would soon die from her injuries.

The parents rush to the hospital to find that their daughter had never been checked in to that hospital. When the parents search all of the nearby hospitals, their daughter at none of them, they begin to realise they had been lied to.

Their daughter had died the moment the knife went into her eye and her friends died shortly after. Beware the texts you get from people they may not be from who it's says they were from.

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