Story 4: The Worst of It

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The Worst of It

The worst of it was the loss of HER. She was my everything. She was everything I needed.

I should start from the beginning.

I'm Jackson son of Thomas. I'm 13 and I've been 13 for at least 2050 years. I'm a vampire, obviously. The year is 4050. I will have been a vampire for 2000 years tomorrow.

The whole ordeal started when i was 7 and my father introduced me to his best friend, Sean's family. As soon as I saw Victoria I damn near fell to the ground, amazed by her beauty.

Her name was Victoria Elizabeth Aril. She was what I had wanted and what I still want to have.

Years pasted and we we're both turning 13 on a Friday. My birthday was the week after hers. On her birthday, however, I was turned into a vampire. A week later Victoria was in a car crash and I tried to save her.

I couldn't and she died.

The worst part is that I'm still alive and she's dead. I sometimes wish I could have been in the car instead. Sometimes I wish I could die, just to see her face.

The Worst of It is that she didn't hear me say I Love You for the first or the last time. She never heard me say it to her while I tried to save her.

I miss you Victoria Elizabeth Aril.

I love you Victoria Elizabeth Aril and I wish I could have said this sooner.

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