Story 3: Monday Mourning

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Monday Mourning

Today is Monday and your older brother's funeral is today. You wish he was still here helping you with homework and lots of other things. You loved your brother, a lot.

You looked up to him and now there's no one to look up to. Your brother died in a car crash. Your brother didn't cause the crash, he was in his own lane, it was the other man's fault.

You want revenge so you go to the hospital and you slit the man's throat. You get thrown in jail but you don't care you avenged your brothers untimely death, you are proud of your work.

Your parents come to visit you and they ask you why you killed the man.

You always reply the same thing, "I did it for my brother, and I'll never go back and change what I did. I miss him and I killed the man that killed him. Just like if someone killed me he would have done the same."

Your parents just shake their heads and they ask you the same question every week until the end of your sentence. When you get out of jail you visit your brother's grave and you say, "I miss you, I want you to help me with everything."

Then you take out your gun and you shoot yourself on the exact same day and at the same time your brother died.

Your parents mourn both of your deaths and put flowers on each of your graves every Monday morning.

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