Story 2: Deadly Bones

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Deadly Bones

Meredith and her friend Carly are walking to Cassandra's house. When they arrive Cassandra's mother opens the door.

She tells them Cassandra wasn't feeling well and they should go home but the girls just talked to Cassandra on the phone she sounded fine.

The girls leave and don't go back until after school the next day. Cassandra hadn't been there so they just wanted to see if she was ok. This time when they arrived Cassandra's father opened the door.

He let them in and told them Cassandra was in her room. The girls climbed the stairs and walked into Cassandra's room. When they looked in they saw Cassandra's dead body propped up against her bed.

Both of the girls screamed and turned to leave only to find Cassandra's mother standing there with a knife. All the girls could see of Cassandra's mother were her bones.

They were to frightened to move and they were killed just like Cassandra. Their bodies were propped up against the bed along with Cassandra's.

No one heard from Cassandra's parents ever again and the town was devastated with the deaths of their children.

Beware the bones of the dead they could be Deadly Bones.

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