Story 7: Slender Man

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Slender Man

I'm Sam, or I was Sam once. I'm now the Slenderman. I'll tell you how I became the Slenderman.

I was camping on a cool September weekend. I was alone so I was only slightly paranoid and I assume you all know why.

I had just built my fire and I was about to light it when I saw it. A man, a very tall and skinny man without a face.

At first I thought I couldn't see his face so I grabbed my lighter and I lit the fire to get more light.

After I lit the fire they were gone or it was gone. I just looked in that direction and shrugged thinking it had gone back to its campsite, I thought it was human.

As the fire started to die down I got another glimpse of that retched thing. It was closer now but I still thought it was a human.

I decided to say something to it so when I opened my mouth to speak nothing came out. Then I watched it disappear.

After it disappeared I got up and went into my tent and zipped it closed. I was slightly scared at this point but I still kept my cool.

I must have fallen asleep because I was awoken by the smell of something burning, besides wood.

I unzipped the tent and I look out to see that the forest around my campsite was on fire.

At this I ran out of my tent and started running towards my car. I then see it again and I turn in the other direction fearing for my life.

I run straight down a path and I keep running until I come across a tree with a paper on it. I grab the paper and shove it into my pocket.

I continue running until I find the other pages. I now have seven pages.

Then I run down a path that I hadn't been on yet and I see it, the last page. I run to it and I tear it off the truck.

As soon as I turn around I see him. He grabs me and then he disappears. I start to grow very tall and I look down at my body, I was wearing a suit.


A/N: SORRY for not updating in ages, I've had absolutely huge writers block but I updated. :)


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