Story 6: Bloody Mary

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Bloody Mary

Most people think Bloody Mary is a person that you find in your mirror after chanting her name three times in the dark. That's not true. Bloody Mary is one of the daughters of King Henry the 8th.

Here's the Real Story of Bloody Mary.

I'm Princess Elizabeth daughter of King Henry the 8th. My sister Mary has been queen for 2 years now and she already has the nickname Bloody Mary. Mary wants everyone in England to switch back to being Roman Catholic after our father changed it to Anglicism.

She said she would kill anyone who didn't switch back to being Roman Catholic. So when people refused she had them killed.

The other story of Bloody Mary.

Most people think Mary is a girl from the 1800s who died of TD. TD is a disease that makes you cough up blood and makes it so where you can't really eat and it runs in the family.

The girls name was Mary and she died in a white bloody dress, therefor coming up with the Story of a Bloody Mary.

There are many stories of a Bloody Mary but these are the two I know about.

I hope you enjoyed this and I can't wait to see lots of comments and votes. I would also love reads so yeah.

50 reads in the next two weeks is a good goal so lets get a move on.

Mione Horan.

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