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"I've got to go." I say to Dom, as I'm getting my clothes on.

He smirks. "Do you really have to? Or are you just saying that?" He asks, knowing the answer.

I finish getting my clothes and shoes on.

"You know that answer already, Dom." I smile, and lean over the bed. "I will see you tomorrow." I say, kissing him after.

"Good-bye, Dom." I giggle, walking out of his apartment to my 'date'.

"BYE DEAN!" He shouts.

15 minutes later

I arrive at IKEA restaurant, and park my car. Fixing my clothes as I get out to go inside and meet up with Alex.

I walk in and see him waiting at a table. "Hey, sorry I'm late. Home's a little far and traffic was kinda bad." I say to him as I sit down. Liar.

"No problem." He smiles. "As long as you got here safe." Alex says, rubbing his hands on his thighs. He's so nervous, like I'm going to bite him or something. I mean only if he's into that I will.

"We should order our food." I say.

"Oh... uh. Right. Yeah. We should." He chuckles.

We order our food and chat over lunch. It's like time flies when I'm with Alex.... or any guy for that matter.... man I'm fucked up. I'm horrible. I should probably get home to my lonely ass apartment and take a cold shower.

"I like having you around." He says, shyly. "Maybe you could come over to my place sometime."

I nod. "Yeah it's fun. But I should get going. House isn't going to clean itself." I joke.

Alex laughs. "True. It's not. But maybe I can introduce you to my roommate, Dom. He's kinda a womaniser so watch out." He says, smiling.

"Hah... yeah." I say. "See you soon, Alex."

He kisses me. "You too, Dean."

I walk out to my car and drive home. HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE KNOWS DOM!!! WHAT THE HELL! Well there are thousands of Doms out there in the world. It could be a different one. Just chill, girl.

My thoughts run wild on the way home. I get home to see a party next door.

I sigh. "Great. When all I want to do is sleep, my neighbor throws a friggin party. I'm so not going." I get inside my place and plop down on the couch, exhausted.

Not even 5 minutes later I'm asleep.

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