Oh No

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It's been a few days since my time with Dom and Alex. I haven't really talked to either of them.


I hear my phone from my dresser, and get up to check the text.

"Oh. It's Dom." I mumble. "I wonder what he's up to."

Sam, my roommate comes in. "Hey, party queen! Ready for tonight?" She says with a big grin on her face. She's so pretty but when she smiles like that it reminds me of the grinch. I think that's why she does it.

"That big beach party? Wouldn't miss it. It's our tradition." I say with a small laugh.

"You mean it's a way to pick up hot guys?" She giggles.

"That too. But I think I need to lay off the guys. Sorta holding out for two guys but I'm not sure which is my favourite." I tell her. She always understands, she has to, she's all I've got.

She nods. "Well those are some pretty lucky guys." She says jokingly.

I laugh. "Right. Sure they are."

"Do I detect sarcasm?" Sam says, reading my messages with Dom. "Baby. This boy is a player. Maybe that's why you like him." She says, jokingly.

"Hah. Yeah. That's why." I smile, getting ready for the party.

"What's the other like? Lemme guess... no STD's? Cute. Sweet. But anger issues?" She says.

"Yeah. How'd you--"

"He's in the front room, Dean." She says, with the most serious face. "Don't mess it up with him, for a boy like this." She whispers, to me as I leave my room to see Alex.

I run into the front room.

"Alex. What're you doing here?" I hug him.

He hugs back. "Well you said you'd call soon. And you didn't so I was kinda worried and thought I would check in on you." He says.

"Well I'm glad you did. But everything is fine. I've just been hanging with my roommate." I say. Liar. You've been asleep. It's been a busy week.

He nods. "Well, I'm going to go. My roommate is waiting for me. Apparently we're going to go see a new movie with a couple of other friends."

"Sounds like fun." I say, smiling at him.

"I hope so. Anyways see you soon? If not then we'll talk?" Alex says, in a hopeful voice.

I watch him as he heads for the door. "Yeah. I'd say you will."

He turns around and kisses my cheek. "Bye, Dean."

"B-bye, Alex." I say nervously. He walks out to his car.

He's never done that before. Just a kiss on the cheek? He always goes for the lips. Maybe he knows. But there's no way. I haven't told him. Maybe he was just being humble in front of Sam.

I look outside, at the car Alex gets into. I see Dom and a few other of his friends get out of the back seat to let him in.

Holy shit. It is MY DOM. That sounds like he's my bf or something but it's not like that we're just messing around. I walk to my room, losing my train of thought.

"You ready, Dean?" Sam inquires.

"Yepperooni." I say, laughing. She hates that word. "I'm going to need a lot to drink tonight, Samantha. A. LOT." I sigh.

Sam and I leave and lock up our little apartment as we head out for the party. How am I going to tell either of them?

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