You're Here?

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I wake up the next morning remembering what Alex's lips felt like against mine and got out of bed. Going straight to the shower I hear my phone ringing and ignore it, turning on the warm water and getting in. I didn't have to get naked, I already was. This meant he left. I knew I'd have so much explaining to do.

Once I get out of the warm soothing water and wrap myself in a towel I pick up my phone. Dom had called 10 times, and texted 20. Mentioning something about a bad dream and that he needed to see me. I sigh and place my phone down to get dressed. I pull an dark olive green dress over my head and body, fixing it to it's mid-thigh length. I slide into my shoes and grab a black purse out of my closet, placing my phone and wallet in there. Then leave immediately to see Dom. Getting into my car and driving off.

I'm not ready to see him yet. I can't explain what happen. I don't even know if it was real. Don't get me wrong the first part I hope it was real but then seeing Dom just pop in, drunk and high and whatever else, was just horrible.

I look down at the gas gauge in my car it's almost empty. Well my gas station is close and by the mall maybe I'll go get something and fill my tank. I text Dom that I'm going to be a little late. Pulling into the gas station was a quick in and out of there so I drove across the street and parked my car in the large car park of the mall. And walk inside.

I hear a "hey baby." Before walking in and turn to see who it is.

"Mom?" I say, almost falling to my knees. Even though I don't like what she does and who she is as a person. I love her. She's still my mom.

She walks over and hugs me gently. I hug back forgetting where I'm supposed to be in half hour.

"I've missed you, Baby." She pulls out of the hug. She looks as if she genuinely misses me. Tears fill her eyes when she cups my cheeks. "You're so beautiful." She whispers.

"Do you want to go inside?" I ask, smiling. She nods and we walk inside.

I hate this woman for everything she's done. But I can't help but to love her. She gave me life then put me through hell. All the foster parents I had. Never staying in one spot for long. She was drugged out last time I saw her. But she looks better now. Her lush pink cheeks, skin as pale as mine, eyes blue, and her short black hair. I guess I got my green eyes from my dad. She looks like she's really taking care of herself.

Her and I spend hours together. Surprisingly she payed for almost everything all day. Payed for lunch, random shopping stuff, and we went together together. We talked about everything. Even my awkward position I keep putting myself in with Alex, Dom, and Sam. She told me to focus on myself and if I ever wanted to get away I could go to her house.

"Mom? Why are you really here?" I ask.

"Well one, I wanted to see my daughter. Two, I'm getting married. I found myself a nice man, who loves me. And I want you to meet him." She responds, sounding happier than I ever remember hearing or seeing. I look at her a bit shocked.

"You're getting married?" I almost blurt. We hear people saying congratulations.

"Yes, Dean, an old lady like me is getting married. Is that so hard to believe?" She questions me.

I shake my head. "Why would it be you're beautiful."

After dinner we were both leaving and I seen her sugar daddy pick her up, he looks so young. But that's how she likes them. Young and rich. I wave goodbye then drive myself home.

When I get home I turn on the tv and Sam walk in and starts yelling at me. I don't remember what about because I wasn't listening to her I was listening to the little talking voice in my head. It wasn't my own. It was my mothers. 'Will you be my maid of honour?'

She can't just ask me something like that after ten years of no seeing you, writing you a letter, or even calling. Where was she? Does she have a new family? Do I have brothers or sisters? What am I going to do? I ask myself and sigh. I let everything go, starting to tear up at the thought of her giving me away to start a new family. She has no idea what I went through with that.

I start to drift asleep when I remember I was supposed to meet Dom. This is hell on wheels for me. I shake my head. I'm not myself anymore. I've changed so much. I can't handle what's going on. Having slept with Sam before and now her yelling at me. Now sleeping with Alex and Dom seeing him shirtless behind me thinking it's a dream. What the hell is wrong with me?

Sorry it's shit. I have another chapter to write for this story and another. And I don't have music to focus which is really hard. So leave comments and tell me what you think. If you have any ideas for the next chapter give them. I'd love to hear from you guys.

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