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  It's just been Sam and I this week. Hanging out,  being weird with each other. You know the usual best friend stuff. Dom has been texting me nonstop this week. I don't mean to be rude by not responding but I'm not really in a talkative mood lately.

Sam walks in my room. "Hey girl!" She says more excited than she was this morning.

I give her a slight nod not looking away from the messages I'm reading.

"Get up!" She says, tapping my foot.

"Why? Are we going somewhere?" I inquire.

She nods, smiling, and throws an outfit at me. "Get dressed and meet me in the front room." Sam demands.

"Okay." I groan, taking my worn clothes off. I stop and look at the outfit before putting it on. It, honestly, wasn't that bad of an outfit. Actually kind of cute. I slip the black skirt, with different size white stars on it, over my fragile hips. Then the white half shirt over my chest, the last step sliding my small feet into the two inch heels.

I don't do anything special with my hair, just brush it out. What are we doing? Why do I have to get all dressed up? I think to myself as I do my makeup. After I finish, I stand up and grab my black leather, hip length bag. And walk out to see Sam wearing something similar. Only a red top and a white skirt with car keys in her hand.

She grabs my hand pulling me out of our apartment, then locking the door behind us. We walk to her vintage blue Volkswagen Bug and get in, me in the passenger seat, her in the drivers side. Sam starts driving.

"Where are we going?" I ask sassily. Not taking any shit today.

"Goodness, grumpy, just a cute little diner I found and the theatre. Diner after though." She says, answering my question fully.

I sit back in my seat, and turn up the volume of the music. Sam starts singing loudly and off key, punching me playfully to sing with her. I sing along just the same. We get to the theatre roughly 12 minutes later. So 4 songs?

As we're getting out of the car I notice Dom. He's wearing a white shirt with some kind of design on it, light coloured pants, beige timberland boots, and a black hat. I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful guy standing behind him. White button up shirt, dark denim jeans, and average tennis shoes. His hair a dark blonde, eyes a light green. He's not mine though. I feel my heart sink into my stomach. It's Alex.

ALEX IS SAM'S DATE!!! Of course he is.... I get out of the car with a smile. Looking at the two extremely cute, extremely different boys in front of me. If Alex is happy and moved on then I shouldn't mess with that. I can't. I won't.

"Hey." I say, giving Dom a hug. Hoping to ease my nerves. It doesn't work. He hugs back then goes to give me a kiss. I pull away before that's possible.

"So a double date?" I raise an eyebrow, glaring at Sam.

"Well I knew you wouldn't come voluntarily so I thought you'd figure it out when we arrived." She smiles at me. I'm not so sure it was a genuine smile. It felt kind of rude, and manipulating then genuine.

She turns to Alex and kisses him. Seriously!?! She thinks she can just kiss him like that? In front of me.... I shouldn't be upset. I did fuck everything up. I miss him though, I've never felt this way about anyone. And it's bad because I'm supposed to feel this way about Dom. I trail out of my thoughts and hear Dom clear his throat.

"Uhm you two need a room?" He jokes.

Alex was withdrawn from the kiss. As if he felt uncomfortable. I don't see why he would be they're together.

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