What's Wrong?

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2 Weeks Later

Keith held his stomach and continued to puke into the toilet in front of him. He didn't know why, but for the last few days he couldn't stop puking. There was a knock at the door.

"Keith? Can I talk to you?" It was Lance. Keith hadn't said one word to Lance since there little pleasure session and he didn't want that to change. Keith got another wave of nausea and started puking again gripping onto his stomach and hair. Lance could hear it. He opened the door and walked to the bathroom. "Keith can I at least help you with this?" Keith shook his head and continued to fill the toilet. Lance sighed and took Keith's hair from him. He held it back and rubbed his back soothingly. Keith then let both his hands go to his stomach. No matter how much he didn't want to talk to Lance, Keith was greatful he came in. He stopped puking and started to dry heave. "Keith you should really see what's wrong with you." Lance said worriedly.

"I'm fine! Get out." Keith snapped once he could breath again. No matter how much Keith wanted Lance to hold him right now he didn't want to talk about what had happen and he was gonna do everything to avoid it. Lance just stood there. "I said get out Lance" He looked down sadly and left the room. Keith flushed the toilet and cleaned himself up. Lance was right. There was something wrong with him. He left the room once he was clean and walked over to Pidge.

Pidge was shocked that Keith was coming to her. "Hey Pidge, can you do something for me?" Pidge could see something off about him.

"Sure. Are you ok?" Pidge lead Keith into their lion's deck.

"No. There's something wrong with me. I can't stop throwing up and my stomach hurts."

"Hmm. Ok. Sit down." Keith sat in Pidge's chair and waited patiently as Pidge put wires on his body. Once Pidge got Keith set up she went to her computer to see what was going on. She looked over everything. Nothing. He wasn't sick. Then pidge noticed something. Her eyes went wide. "Oh my god Keith. What did you do?"

"What? What's wrong?" Keith said in a shaking voice. Pidge took everything off of Keith and ran to the other side of the room. She pushed everything off of a table to the floor and started dragging the table over to their work station. Now Keith was really scared. "Pidge. What's going on?" Pidge got the table to the right place and went over to Keith.

"I need you to lay on the table" Pidge seemed scared and worried. Keith did as Pidge said and laid back down on the table. "Lift your shirt up and pull your pants down a little." Keith did so. Pidge came back with a small wand like device and a laptop. She set the laptop on the table and put the device on Keith's lower stomach. She turned the volume up on the laptop and plugged the device into it. All of a sudden the room was filled with a low thumping sound.

"P-Pidge. What is that?" Keith looked down at his stomach. Pidge's face fell. They turned the laptop screen to face Keith. A small picture was on the screen. A small being was in the center of the picture. Keith's eyes widened and he laid his hands on his stomach.

"Keith...y-your pregnant."

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