Lotor's Plan

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When Keith woke up she was in a small cell on what looked like a Galra ship and the air around her was cold and damp making her shiver. She laid her hand over her distended stomach and sighed. She wished she could feel the baby moving to make sure it was alive. She needed that baby to be alive. Lance was probably gone for good and this baby was all she had left. Her eyes started to water and she covered her face with her other hand. Lance was gone. She promised him he would see their baby. How could this happen? She felt a sudden flutter in her stomach making her jump. She felt the flutter again, but this time she let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. 

"Are you with child red paladin?" A voice came from the cell next to her. She turned in surprise. She put her face against the bars on her cell door trying to see who was next to her and saw a large galra man bruised and broken. His voice showed that he was no threat, but Keith didn't want to risk the safety of her child. 

"No" She said and continued to look at the dying man. He laughed at her.

"Yes you are. Don't tell the prince that though. He wants his pups in you not the blue paladin's" Keith was in shock by his words.

"H-How do you know that? What prince? What do you mean his pups? And how do you know it's Lance's?" Keith rambled hoping to get a response out of the man. She kept her hand over her stomach protectively and growled.

"The way you breath and how you keep putting your hand over your stomach protectively. Galran mothers who are with child also tend to be very aggressive. " She didn't realize her pregnancy was so visible to the Galra.

"And the prince?" 

"Yes. Prince Lotor. You were changed into a female to bare his pups to carry out the bloodline and take Voltron at the same time, but you got away before he could snatch you. If he finds out you are already baring pups he will not be happy. He will kill your child and replace it with his own" Keith's breathing stopped and she wrapped both her arms around her stomach. She needed this baby alive and healthy. Lance. She needed Lance to be alive and healthy. "You also asked how I knew it was the blue paladin's. You smell of him more than the others." Keith stiffened. This wasn't happening. Hard footsteps came from around the corner and Keith saw the silhouette of a guard. The guard smacked the man next to her. 

"You were told not to speak with the prince's carrier. If I see it again I will hit you harder. Hope you went discussing the issue of pups" He snapped his teeth bared.

"N-No sir we were not" Keith couldn't understand why this galra man was protecting her, but she was thankful for it. The guard walked over to Keith's cell and she let a low growl creep into the back of her throat. There was no way she was letting someone just kill the life she carried. The guard laughed.

"The prince wants you to meet with Haggar today, half breed" He spit the words out like an insult as he opened Keith's cell door. Keith took the opportunity and ran at him, but the guard grabbed her and pulled her into him she struggled and bit his arm with a growl. The guard loosened his grip , but it wasn't enough. Keith felt something stick into her neck and she got suddenly tired until the world went blank.


"Well check her over already. Can she bare the pups or not?" A thin breathy voice was the first thing Keith heard when she awoke. Her eyes traveled around the room and it looked much nicer than the cell she was once in. It had high ceilings and most of the walls were different shades of purple. She felt a flutter in her stomach and smiled. Still alive. Good.  All she cared about in the moment was the health of the baby. She tried to sit up, but realized she was restrained. Shit. She struggled against the leather straps holding her down. A small laugh escaped the man in the room. "Good you're awake." He stroked the side of Keith's face making her panic and brought his other hand near her stomach causing her to form a low growl in the back of her throat and struggle. The man growled back at her and slapped her hard across the face making her wince. "Make sure she's fertile by morning or I'll do it myself!" The man yelled at Haggar. This was not going to go well. 

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