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There was a sudden crash from the shuttle bay making the two of them jump. Lance instantly pulled Keith close to him protectively. "What was that?" Keith asked and squirmed away from Lance's grasp.

"I don't know. Come on" Lance grabbed Keith's hand and lead her to him room with a limp. "Stay in here. I'm gonna go find out what that was" Lance started to walk out the door and Keith followed him in protest.

"Lance I'm not staying here. You can barely walk. I'm in better sh..." Keith was cut off by Lance. He walked back to Keith and got close to her.

"No Keith. You are not protecting me right now. I protect you and you protect the life inside you. You are responsible for keeping the baby alive. Please stay here and protect the life that can't protect itself" Keith was slightly shocked by Lance's words, but aloud them to sink in. She put her hand over her small baby bump then looked up at Lance. She nodded and Lance turned to leave when Keith stopped him.

"Lance wait"

"What?" Lance hobbled back and Keith gently pulled him close pressing his cracked lips against hers. She pulled away softly. Lance's eyes widened, but decided not to question the action and left the room painfully.


The sound of Lance's bayard boomed through the halls making Keith jump and rush to the door. She started to open it when it was slammed back in her face. Lance's heavy and painfilled breathing could be heard from the other side of the door. "Lance!" Keith struggled at the door, but it was obvious Lance had locked it. "Lance! Open the..." She was taken aback by a low husky voice and the sound of Lance being slammed to the floor.

"You have lied to me. The red paladin is here! Now you must die" Keith stopped breathing at his words. Lance was risking his life to save her and their baby's. She started to bang harder on the door

"Lance!" She heard the galra man's gun cock making her start to shake and bang even harder on the door.


No. This wasn't happening. "Lance!" She screamed and the door opened to reveal the tall galra with a large scar across his right eye. Keith's gaze went straight to Lance who was curled in a ball of the floor over an ever-growing pool of blood. "Lance!" She screamed and started to run to him when the galra man grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away. "No! Lance! Please! Please get up! Please don't leave me!" She cried. The man slung her over his shoulder and she struggled, but it was no use. The pregnancy was taking the strength out of her. "Lance!" She cried again. Lance looked up painfully trying not to slip away. He used all of his strength and all he could do was reach out hopelessly as the world went black

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