Haggar's Opinion

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Keith woke up to Haggar pressing at her stomach. The thought of Haggar's hands so close to her child made her want to bite Haggar's head off. She formed a low growl in the back of her throat and struggled against the metal holding her down. Haggar laughed. "I see you're awake young paladin." In that moment Keith realized how nauseous she was and how much her stomach hurt. She groaned and breathed. 

"What are you doing to me?" Keith tried to keep fighting the restraints, but had to give up. Haggar brought her face inches from Keith's. 

"Checking if I'm right and you better wish I'm not." She said and backed away. Keith watched her intently as she put a wand like device over Keith's small yet visible baby bump and Keith growled. Keith tried so hard to break free, but the metal straps held her down. Haggar growled looking at the screen in front of her. She grabs a knife and lunges it at Keith's stomach, but stops inches from it when Keith screamed. She had tears in her eyes. 

"Please. I'll do anything just don't hurt my baby" Keith pleaded. Haggar threw the knife and left the room. Keith let out the breath she was holding and tried to calm down. 


Keith could hear loud booming yells from down the hall and the man from before entered with loud thundering steps, his face nit into a tight scrunch of anger and frustration. He stormed over to Keith and slammed his fist on the table near her abdomen. Keith yelped out from the small fear that he was going to kill her child. He lowered his face close to hers. "I should have smelt it on you when you got here." He growled. "I should kill the foul thing inside you." Keith felt her breath hitch and stop. Her body started to shake. The man got even closer to her face. "But I'm not going to."

Author's Note: Finally! Sorry it took me so long to update. I hope you liked it.

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