Left With You

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Lance walked out to the bridge skipping the breakfast that he desperately needed. Once there he looked around the room and everyone was in their mission suits except for Keith. Was there a mission? Did he not here the alarm? He looked back at Keith who looked annoyed and noticed that his pants weren't buttoned. Was he really in his room that long? No wonder he was so weak. Pidge turned and saw Lance her eyes lit up with joy.

"Lance! You came out!" He smiled weakly trying not to collapse. "We'll be back tomorrow. Stay safe" Pidge went to their lions deck and so did the others.

"You and Keith need to have some time. Me, Coran, and the rest of the team are going on a short trip. I hope you figure things out." Allura says. She gives Lance a soft hug then gives one to Keith and leaves with the team. Keith looked down then up at Lance. He opened her mouth to say something then decided not to. He sighed.

"I'm going to my room" He started to walk past Lance to his room when he noticed something. Lance was shaking and holding himself like he was having trouble standing. He stopped next to him. He had weakness in his eyes and they no longer sparkled like they used to. He had dark bags under his eyes. His face had also narrowed and his lips were dry and cracked. He looked at Keith with sadness then looked down at the ground. He looked terrible and it concerned Keith. He looked up at him. "Lance, have you eaten anything?"Lance looked away from him. He didn't want him to know what he was doing to himself. Keith slapped him on the chin so he could look at him. "Have you eaten anything?" This time his question more of a demand. Lance shuffled to the wall and slid down to the ground not being able to hold himself up any longer. He still didn't speak. Keith sighed. He knelt down in front of him. "Lance please tell me. Have you eaten anything?" Lance slowly shook his head and Keith couldn't help but feel a sinking in his heart. He sighed. "Come on. Let's clean you up" Lance looked up at her with love in his eyes. Why would he help him after what he did? He took his hand and helped him up. Keith offered to help him walk, but he just pushed him away. He didn't want him doing anything to strain himself.

They made it to the infirmary and Lance stood in the doorway awkwardly. Keith took his hand and lead him to the infirmary shower. Lance stopped in protest. Keith rolled his eyes. "Lance come on. You need a shower and I don't want you to take one without someone with you. You can barely stand. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Please let me help you" Lance sighed and moved his hands away from his body. Keith took Lance's shirt off slowly and he winced. He was so small. His skin stuck to his bones like wet paper and several bruises were visible on his ribs. Keith put his hands on his torso and felt his frail body remembering how he used to feel. He tried to fight back tears. "God Lance why did you do this to yourself?" Lance looked up into his eyes then back down at the ground. Keith wasn't used to Lance not talking for so long. He took his pants off and helped him to the shower hoping he would eventually start talking again. He didn't know if he could stand this anymore. He missed the Lance he met at the Garison who always had a smile on his face and could light up a room. He missed when he smiled at him and hugged him. He started to cry but continued to help Lance bathe himself. He wiped his tears away and wrapped a towel around Lance's waist with care. He then sat him down in a chair and grabbed a comb. Lance continued to look down while Keith slowly brushed out his tangled hair. "Lance please talk to me" He put the comb down and put his face in his hands. "I can't stand you being so quiet. It hurts" He looked up at him then looked back down. It was obvious he wasn't gonna talk. He grabbed his clothes and helped him into them then lead him to the couch in the lounge. He made him some soup and set it in front of him. "Eat it" He demanded, but Lance only shook his head. "Lance eat the fucking soup" He didn't move. Keith put the soup to the side and started to walk away when he was taken aback.

"Can I feel it?" Lance's words were broken as if it hurt him to speak.

"Now you fucking talk to me! Are you kidding?! It took you this long! Do even understand how much it hurt me not to hear your stupid voice?! You and your stupid jokes are all I look forward to everyday and for the last two months I haven't even gotten to see your face!" Keith started to cry as he poured his heart out to the fragile boy in front of him. He sniffled and wiped his tears when Lance looked up at him with concern and breakage.

"I'm sorry" Lance looked down regretting speaking. Keith softened and breathed. He swallowed his words and realized how broken Lance really was.

"No. I'm sorry. What? What do you want to feel?" He looked up at Lance who shook his head slowly.

"N-Nevermind. I shouldn't have asked." Lance put his arms around himself and looked away.

"Lance, are you wanting to feel the baby?" Keith asked putting his hand on his distended stomach. Lance noded slowly and Keith sighed and walked up close to him. "Lance. Of course you can. No matter what the situation is it's still your baby" Keith took Lance's hands and put it on his stomach. "And no matter what you will be in it's life" Lance start to cry as he rubbed Keith's stomach softly with his thumb. Keith leaned down and cupped Lance's cheeks. "And I promise you will be there when it's born." He smiled and tears rolled down his cheeks as Lance started to sob. He pulled him close to him softly and hugged him as tight as he could.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Lance's voice was broken.

"I want you there Lance and I promise you will be there"

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