Vote for Pearl

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*Pearl POV*

"Vote for Pearl for Student Body President, Vote for Pearl for Student Body President, Vote for Pearl for Student Body President!" I got up super early to go to school to support my campaign. It got so old. People just stared at me blankly. I even heard people muttering, "Yeah, right" or "She doesn't stand a chance".
"Vote for Pea-"
A girl walked past me with bright pink hair and a long white dress.
"Your names Pea?"
"No it's Pearl, but you can call me Pea if you want, in less you don't want to, I don't want to pressure with nicknames and stuff, if you don't do that kind of stuff and I'm going to stop talking now."
"Nice to meet you, Pearl" she said "I'm Rose Quarts but you can call me Rose."
"Hi Rose."
We stood there for a couple of seconds just standing there awkwardly.
"Do you have to sign up for a Button or?"
"OH! No of course not."
I held out the whole box to her.
"Take them all, unless you don't want them all or even one it's oka-
"Shhhhhhh...It's okay I'll just take one and go."
"Nice meeting you Rose Quarts"
I bowed.
"Did you just bow for me?"
"I think so"
I blushed.
"I'm sorry"
"No! NO! It's okay."
She walked away.
"Nice meeting you Beauti-Rose"
"Nice meeting you Pearl!" she yelled.
I jumped in excitement and started doing some sort of jig. People stared.
"What are you looking at? Turn around! VOTE FOR PEARL!!!"

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