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My name is Banana and your watching Disney Channel
*Amethyst POV*

"I will be handing out the room numbers for your clubs and you will go TO them, no where else do you here me?"
"Yes Ms.Blue Zircon"
"Okay when I call your name go to your club,
Ruby walked up to get her paper with Sapphire.
"I'm sorry did I call your name Ms.Sapphire?"
Sapphire instantly started crying and Ruby looked angrily at the principal  and ripped both Ruby and Sapphire's room numbers out of her hand. They walked away and Ruby comforted Sapphire until she was out of view
I walked slowly up to the front and took the room number and walked away as the principal continued calling names
The words got quieter as I walked away so looked back at the people dispersing to there clubs. Then suddenly I ran into a wall.
"Pay attention weirdo" said someone walking past.
"Just shut up"
I continued and found the building I was supposed to go. It wasn't what I expected. I thought it would be in a gym. Why would it be where all the school plays were? Gosh I should have payed attention to those plays. I always just talked all the way through them. Wait, why am I thinking about this?
"Amethyst!" Yelled a girl in blue outside the door. "I knew this was an option but, I didn't think this was the path your taking!"
"That's me!"
"Where's Ruby?"
"In the bathroom!"
"Your in Wrestling Club?"
"No, this is Drama Club!"
"Oh No..."
"What is it!!?"
"When you ran out with Jasper running behind you, she came back when the teacher told you off, she signed up for Wrestling Club, she must have put you in Drama!"
"She's right" said a voice behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"Sorry, it's me Ruby, it's okay and Sapphire's right like always"
Sapphire giggled.
"Ugh" I said "Why would you want to be in a club where you just be dramatic and talk about drama."
Ruby looked at me blankly, "I really can't tell if your kidding. This is theatre, we're going to put on a play."
"Hopefully it's a romance" giggled Sapphire.
Ruby burst into character, "To wake my love from her ancient slumber, I shall kiss though' cherry lips
Ruby bent over Sapphire and kissed her.
"Oh Ruby, my knight-"
"Stop" I said "For the sake of people's sanity.
They stared at me.
"Lets go inside" said Ruby
"No, I'd rather quit"
"Come on" said Sapphire "Do it for us"
"Hello my name is Ms.Blue Diamond I am taking time from my day to teach you drama. For auditions you will be paring up in groups and perform a skits of different kinds of plays like Romance-"
Ruby and Sapphire's hands shot in the air.
"Okay you two, what ever your name's are, you will be performing a romance skit"
"May I take your hand malady?" Said Ruby
"You can, my knight" Sapphire replied and they skipped away to rehearse.
I raised my hand and looked around, someone else was raising there hand.
"Okay Purple Girl and Weird Scarf Boy"
I walked away and a boy followed me with brown hair and a black and gray scarf, everything else on him was black.
"It is I Jamie! Your comedy partner"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Amethyst. Listen I'm not really into th-"
"-We will win this!"
"This isn't a competition"
"Well competition to get to Callbacks. Let's get working"
As we rehearsed I realized Jamie was about the least funniest person. The funniest part about him was that he wasn't funny. Also he didn't give me anything to do, not even a line, I didn't object. So when we were called up to perform I knew we were going to fail. Everyone was given microphones invade anyone was quiet which would be bad in a play for everyone to get a microphone, yet no one questioned her.
Jamie started.
"It is I Jamie! The funniest man alive!"
"You didn't seem so funny when we were rehearsing" I muttered under my breath but, I guess I didn't understand the power of the microphone because everyone started laughing. I started feeling a lot more confident. I had a plan to make this a lot more funnier.
Jamie mimed throwing a pie at his face.
"What is that even supposed to be."
"A pie" he whispered "Like we rehearsed"
Everyone giggled because apparently underestimated the microphone too
"Ooh! What kind? Cherry? I love cherry. That's my favorite."
"Why does it matter?" Jamie was getting agitated. I kind of felt bad. "Your messing the whole skit up!"
I snorted and the whole audience burst up laughing including Ms.Blue Diamond.
"This isn't funny! This isn't comedy!" He yelled at the audience as they continued laughing. "Just stick to the script Amethyst!"
"You mean the one where I don't have anything to do"
I knew I said something wrong because Ms.Blue Diamond looked surprised then looked angrily at Jamie.
"That's it Amethyst! You just cost me the show!" Said Jamie, no one was laughing anymore, "I knew you were a freak ever since I met you!"
He stormed off the stage.
"I'm sorry! I just tried to make the skit funnier because your the least funniest person I've met!"
I gasped at my own words and there was snickers and gasps that went through the crowd. Jamie's eyes watered and he ran out the doors and everyone stared at me with there surprised looks. Everyone clapped slowly and I ran of the stage.
"If it makes you feel better the beginning was great." Said Sapphire comforting me backstage.
"She's right, I was busting up laughing" said Ruby.
"Wait" I said, "I'm so sorry I missed your skit, I was hiding backstage. I missed everybody's."
"It's fine" said Ruby "It was just a bunch of dancing and kissing."
"Anyways," said Sapphire "Ms.Blue Diamond announced this years play, The Wizard Of Oz!"
We went quite, when we heard Ms. Blue Diamond's voice. "The Callbacks list is up!"
Everyone ran over there except for me, Ruby and Sapphire.
"Come on you should at least check" said Ruby
"Why?" I said "I know I didn't make it"
"Well there's no use just sitting here" said Sapphire "Come on" she pulled me over to the cast list.

Thank Goodness I thought
Tiger eye

"What?" I said
"You made it!" made it!" Said Sapphire
"I-I guess I did" I said and smiled, "Maybe I will like this"
"Told you so" said Ruby
Well, this one is longer!
Oh I'm gonna do Word Counts now because there cool! But The little snippets were I talk will be counted because I'm lazy
Word Count:1153

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