Flashing Moments// Peter

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Walking down the hallway with Ned endlessly talking next to me, some students scattered and others clumped together in front of certain lockers.

Ned was going on and on about something while I just stared into nothingness that was the floor and dodging shoulders and backpacks.

Looking up at the sudden change in tone farther down the hall, "No hats in school, Miss L/N." The teacher plucked the beanie off of her head from behind and tossed into her open locker. He kept on walking, throwing his daily broken rule comments. She leaned back, rolled her eyes at his back, and placed the hat back on her head.

That moment. That was the time that I realized how beautiful she was, even with a head full of hat hair after the hat was ripped from the top of her head.


About a week later, same time of day, same hallway of the school, same old Ned walking next to me. And once again I was spacing out, thinking about random shit on my mind: Spider-Man, Aunt May, Mr. Stark,  the Avengers, other things to worry about, etc.

My mind barely picked up the joyous laughter coming a few yards in front me, and coming at me fast.

My senses were tingling and telling me to move just a few inches to the right, but I just didn't want to move, my thoughts were masking my instinct to move. And thank god I didn't.

Like an electric shock running through my veins, I spun 180 to see the reason of my shock. Y/N was walking backwards, her hand up apologizing, and while still laughing with her friend, Annie, just a few feet behind her also showing a giddy smile, she laughed out, "Sorry, Peter!"

Shrugging like it was no problem, she flashed another smile, whipping back around she took off running again laughing with Annie. And I found myself with a small smile as well.

And that moment. That was the first time she spoke to me. And to this day, neither of them told me what they were running to or laughing at.


"You going to homecoming?" I asked her as I continued to do the assignment written on the board even though our teacher like always was passed out at his desk, drooling away the period.

She shook her head that laid on the desk with her arms folded underneath like a pillow. She had earbuds in but obviously the music wasn't that loud if she was able to hear my question.

"Why not?" I put my pencil down and turned my best towards her.

She sighed, opening her eyes and pausing the music, "Its really not my kind of scene." I didn't understand. Yeah, she wasn't the most popular or even fully known by everyone, but she had her friend group.

"Not your kind of scene," I pushed.

"I maybe friends with extroverts, but my case is that one Tumblr post about introverts having friends overall is because an extrovert discovered them, liked them, and adopted them. And Peter Parker, I am indeed an introvert. Hence the reason, no matter what, I am not going to homecoming."

This was the first conversation that we had.


I was walking home from Homecoming, taking a short cut through a neighborhood. Tie in hand, walking down the middle of the empty neighborhood road when I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye.

She was sitting on the edge of the roof looking up, swinging her legs back and forth like a child.

"You really didn't go?" I asked her as I started to walk over to her yard.

She looked down from the starry sky, and used her head to silent tell me to come up and join her. I jogged over to the ladder that was resting on the side of the house.

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