Archaeological Evidence// Tom

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After spending five months in the dirt with a small brush, dusting away at pots and stone works, the first thing that I had to do after getting back home was most definitely should not be this.

I smoothed out my dress as I walked up the steps to the museum and showed my id at the front door.

"Good evening, miss, have a good time," the guard greeted and opened the door for me. I thanked him, and entered the lobby.

The chatter of patrons, doctors, fellow archaeologists, anthropologists, and simply just friend and family flowed into my ears. The MET was opening a new exhibit that my team and I worked on, and of course, they had to plan the opening the exact day we got flown back home. And speaking of my team, they were all gathered around the center of the lobby just chatting and looking somewhat well rested.

"Well!" Annie yelled with her arms thrown out, she walked over to me and threw an arm around my shoulders. "Look whose finally here!" Her smile shone brightly on her tan face, her skin has gotten much tanner over the months of the excavation in Asia. The remembrance of all those hours in the hot sun made a shudder go through my body.

"Annie, how the hell are you this peppy and wearing heels?" I chuckled and looked down at her feet.

She laughed, "I actually slept through most of the 17 hour plane ride and then slept from the minute I walked into my apartment at 7 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon. And that my beautiful best friend, was amazing." She walked me over to the rest of the team as they cheered for my arrival.

"We actually thought you weren't going to come to this," Alan commented as he tried to pass me a glass of champagne, which I politely declined.

"Yo, Ian, you fucking owe me 10 bucks," Ellie pointed at him across the small circle we made.

"What?" He asked with a blink and then looked down at our feet before muttering a small 'fuck'. I furrowed my eyebrows at the reaction and turned my head to face Ellie.

She chuckled, taking a sip from her glass, "We made a bet to see if you were going to wear sneakers or not. And Ian, for some reason, had faith that you would show up in heels."

I shook my head with a smile before looking back over at Ian, "You bet on the wrong horse, buddy. After five months in China, staring at clay people, you think I was going to wear heels on my first day home?"

Annie threw her head back, laughing loudly, "I fucking told you guys. The only day Y/N will wear heels is on her wedding day."

"Hmm," I hummed at her statement, "I'm not so sure about that."

As Ellie and Annie were about to rip into me about that idea in my head Alan pulled us away from that discussion completely, "Alright, alright. Now that we're all here, we should probably get to the exhibit that we worked so hard on."

We nodded as started to work our way up the large staircase in the direction of the Asian wing, making small talk. We passed bystanders who congratulated us on our excavation and asked if we could talk later in detail about how the whole trip was.

It was really nice to be home, even though I wasn't completely home, it was good to be back in America. No matter how shitty it has gotten since November 2016 and how lovely Xi'an was, it was still home.

"Your dress is really pretty, Y/N," Ian whispered as we reached the top of the stair case together. "It really compliments your body." I looked down at the simple burgundy skater dress that I decided to wear exactly twenty minutes before having to arrive. "And it still works with converse."

"Oh, thanks Ian. I really just wanted to sleep, so I didn't really put much thought into it." I thanked him, giving him a small smile as I tried to look pass him to locate Annie.

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