First day

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Elsa's pov
I woke in the middle of the night as usual. I couldn't stop thinking that the first day of high school was going to be a disaster because I still can't take control of my ice powers.

I'm was so worried that I would hurt someone I started crying and then Anna came in.
"Elsa are you ok?" Anna came over and hugged me.
I just broke down and soaked her top.
"I don't know any more." at that moment I went quiet.
"this is about school isn't it."
I nodded and wrote a note saying I'm going mute. Anna started comforting me again.
"don't worry about it, punzie, hiccup and I will look after you OK so relax and get some sleep."
I nodded and stopped crying. I love my sister and my brother hiccup(a/n the only reason for hiccup and Elsa being related is because no offense I don't ship hiccelsa) and my cousin punzie.

The morning
" ELSA WAKE UP ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!" I heard two people scream at the top of their lungs. I get up, have a quick shower, brush my teeth and do my hair in a messy braid and put on some denim shorts and my favorite singlet shirt thing.

I go down stairs and see hiccup and Anna jumping up and down screaming and mum and dad trying to block it out. When I come in they grab me and started spinning me round and round.
"stop it I'm feeling sick." Anna and hiccup stopped spinning and screaming.

" You can't be sick it's the first day of school."  hiccup said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes and said goodbye to mum and dad and left.

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