No prom😭😭

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Elsa's POV

OMG! Proms in a week and I am so excited. Jack asked me at Assembly yesterday. It was so romantic.


I'm soo bored. Ugh Assembly is boring. The principal literally talks about the same thing ALL the time.

"we have to keep our school clean..." the principal rambled on about. I zoned out, I didn't even notice Jack leave until I heard the principal.

"yes, Mr frost." The said impatiently. I snapped back into reality.

"I would just like to ask Elsa winters up here." he pointed at me and smiled.

I walked up confidently. He grabbed my hand.

"Elsa winters will you go to prom with me?" he asked. I was crying tears of joy.


Everyone clapped and chanted jelsa.

Flashback over

" I love you, Jackson overland frost." I say to myself sweetly.

"and I love you too Elsa Amelia winters." Jack said as he came in surprising me. I jumped.

"Jack. You scared me half to death." I said teasingly holding my heart.

"so, wanna go to the beach?" Jack asked me already knowing my answer.

"HELL YEAH!!" I shout fist bumping the air. He laughed wildly. Oh Jack. If only you knew why I do that.

I Sighed sadly. Obviously Jack saw me and stopped laughing.

"snowflake are you OK?" Jack asked worriedly. I nodded and scooted him out.

"see you in ten." I say as I shut the door. I text punzie, mer and Anna and hiccup on group chat.


Elsa: hey.

Anna: hey what up?

Elsa: u guys wanna come to the beach?

Punzie,mer: yeah cool.

Hiccup,anna: HELL YEAH!!

Elsa: oh siblings of mine. Any way cool see u there in 10. Tell the others bye.

Others: bye els.

I went to my closet and look though all my swimsuits.

Half an hour later I FINALLY found the perfect swimsuit.

Half an hour later I FINALLY found the perfect swimsuit

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