Scraps 2

17 2 0

Night & Morning preparing for invasion on Deathrow

[] Song-Who we are by Imagine Dragons []

I held Tris’s hand, until her breathing became deeper and her grip on my hand loosened. I pushed a strand of her hair out of her face, kissing her forehead lightly. I wandered outside the room, down the hallway, alongside the chasm. 

I was alone. Nobody else in Dauntless was awake at this hour. Everyone was preparing to fight The Deathrow. Jaxon’s little organisation, with Lane in charge. The-gang, as I want to call them-have been kidnapping so many faction members….and this close…this soon after the war that shattered the faction system…

It will reek havoc in every Faction.

I can see it know. Mistrust. Blaming. Shooting. I should be preparing too. 

But sometimes, I just need to be alone.

So I can cry without being judged.

So I can think without being interrupted.

And so I don’t bring anyone else down with me.

I stood, leaning over the side of the chasm. Tears started to trickle down my cheeks, silently, swiftly. Sometimes people don’t cry because their weak, so I’ve learnt.

It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.

I let the roar of the swirling black water entrap me, until all my tears had fallen. I wiped my eyes, not even caring how cowardly it seemed. 

Walking back to the room Tris slept in, I tiptoed my way to her bunk. I slipped under the blankets, and she rolled over for a moment, her eyes still closed, into my arms.

I sat awake for a while, listening to nothing but our heartbeats thumping together, in unison, and Tris’s light breaths. She was right. Everyone looks younger when they sleep. I rubbed her cheek with my thumb, letting my fingers lightly caress her face. And at last, I fell asleep.


When I woke up, my muscles ached with tiredness, and I realised how early it was. And Tris was awake, though nobody else was. ‘Hey’ her voice is soft and croaky, and she manages a smile ‘I didn’t think you’d come back.’ I wrapped my arms around her waist, looking her in the eyes. We are such a mess. A ruthless, injured, tired, mess ‘I figure you could do with a guard, Ms.Prior.’ She smiled, scruffling my hair ‘I need a guard about as much as Alec’ she snorted, careful not to wake up the others ‘Dauntless is under lock-down, you know.’ I nodded slowly ‘So we’re going to go?’ I didn’t want her to go.

An imagine was still burned into my memory, fresh in my head. Tris, slumped on the ground moaning, a shattered, broken girl with blood falling around her.

‘You can bet on it’

It’s still hard to accept it. That Tris is 18 as well, and that she has done more of this than even Chris has. And she can make her own choices.

I gripped her shoulders ‘When your out there, don’t do anything stupid, okay? I know you might feel like it, but I don’t want you dying again.’

She smiled, half-sad and half-happily ‘That sounds like something Tobias would say’ I can hear the pain twisting in her voice.

‘Hey, don’t worry about him, okay? We’ll see him one day, but I’d prefer it not to be today.’ It feels weird. Talking about death in a joking way. Like whatever comes after life is a big party with all your dead friends and family.

‘Hayes?’ My name sounds strange. Unfamiliar. Like it’s something that is mine, but shouldn’t belong to me.

I nod.

‘Will you stay with me?’ she searches my eyes, and I find myself returning the look ‘What? For the morning? Or-‘ ‘Just stay.’ she says ‘Please’ I nod again, and lean in. My lips find hers, and when I pull away, she rests he head on my chest, and falls asleep again.


When we finally wake up of real, a figure is leaning over our heads, smirking. 


‘Wake up lovebirds!’ He throws his pillow at my face, and I throw it back too, playfully. 

Tris wakes up with a smile on her face, and kisses me quickly before getting out.

‘Oh please, spare me my breakfast’ Ryder holds his stomach in a ridiculously comical pose, and his face is so stupid that we all laugh.

It feels good to laugh again. 

For once, no crying, no pain. 

Just a peaceful morning in Dauntless.

That’s all.

After we’ve had breakfast, ignoring the stares shot our way, we gather in the pit for a meeting.

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