Scraps 5

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[] Song-I won't let you go by Snow Patrol []

Me and Ryder walked a pace ahead of the others, keeping a careful eye on them. ‘What do you think they want to do? I mean like…why do they want to come?’ I shrugged ‘Beats me. They should be running after Reece and cowering in the bunker.’ I didn’t mean for it to come across so harsh, but somehow it did. Ryder’s eyes grew hard ‘They just want to help, you know.’ I clenched my jaw ‘I don’t need them walking into my mess.’ I felt a small finger tap my shoulder. They were all 15, maybe 16 but the certainly didn’t look like it. ‘We can hear you, you know.’ Emy said, her lips pursed into a straight line. 

I shrugged her off ‘I know.’ Emy was nice, and I guess Cain and Maya could be decent when they wanted too. ‘We’re just trying to help.’ she confirmed, moving so her steps clicked beside mine ‘Cain’s whole family is gone. We think they took them. The Deathrow. And I saw what Jaxon did to you.’ I stiffened ‘So…just don’t think we’re like those…those A people. We actually want to live.’ I decide to go ahead and like Emy. Maybe because it’s the soft Amity-type-way she talks, or that she just simply understands me. I don’t know.

‘Get down!’ Ryder hissed. On instinct, I flattened, pulling Emy down with me. I signalled for us to crawl to the side of the building, and then I kicked open the door and dove inside. Gunfire rippled on the street, and smoke started to creep into my airways, making me dizzy. Once we were all in, I went for the door, slamming it shut and sinking to the ground.

We all sat for a moment, panting in disbelief of what had just happened. ‘I thought Reece said this part was cleared by now!’ I hissed to Ryder. Maya was cradling her arm, moaning furiously. Cain was rubbing his head, frowning. Ryder’s brow was creased ‘I guess they missed a patrol.' There was a BANG, and the street where we had been was blown into the sky. We were too far away to be affected, but it still sent shudders through me. 

‘That’s so stupid.’ Cain grunted ‘Why would they just shoot the air and then blow themselves up?’ Ryder just shook his head sadly. ‘They won’t care.’ I sighed ‘It’s what they signed up for.’

Ryder peered out the window, wiping away the soot with his sleeve. He drew a long breath ‘They’re gone.’ he confirmed. I walked over to the other side of the wall, pacing back and forth angrily. They were doing this. They were sending people out, just to blow themselves up. They were taking people. Shattering families. Ruining what pity trust was left after the war.

At last I went to Maya, pulling her up. ‘Come on,’ I went to help Emy up, and then we were all on our feet ‘We need to get moving before the news spreads that we’re here.’ without waiting for a reply, I pushed on the door. It wouldn’t budge. I gave a furious grunt, kicking it open with my heel.

This is who I’ve become. Explosive. Careless. Ruthless.

And I hate myself for it.


Me and Grayson moved like shadows, hugging the wall. Grayson still looked awkward holding his gun, but he at least was a decent shot. For an Erudite boy at least. ‘How much further to the centre?’ he asked me. I took a deep breath ‘We should be there soon.’ Not surprisingly, we hadn’t been attacked yet. Maybe all the patrols and rush squads have a already been wiped out. 

We reached the end of the block, and I almost stopped breathing all together. There was a massive hole in the middle of the street, the edges scolded with black. The concrete was cracked, the windows around the pathways shattered. I stood still for a moment, as if I could just not acknowledge it and it wouldn’t exist.

I could see Grayson bending down. ‘Jordan.’ That’s me, a voice inside my head prompted my movement. I didn’t know what I was. Caleb Dawson. Hayes. Jordan.

‘I think you should see this.’ He pointed to the ground. Running through the cracks in the pavement, dark and metallic.


Grayson followed the stream, and it lead straight to the side of the building. Blood stained the dark grey wall. ‘I think we should-‘ And then I almost choked on my words. Something else lay there. A little piece of paper, burnt at the edges, but still readable. I knelt down, letting my fingers run over the musty paper. It read ‘2200’. 

It was the paper I had given to Tris.

Back when she was Ella Lawrence. A small ordinary Amity transfer. A taut 16-year old girl.

I scrunched the piece of paper in my fist, holding it close to my chest. Wherever she is, she must be close.

‘Look!’ Grayson pointed across the road. There was a white flag with a black Dauntless sign on it. I ran over, my pants sticky with Tris’s blood. ‘It’s a sign,’ I told him ‘It means they’re here.’ Without thinking, I barged my way into a building, running around for a while.

‘Where would they be?’ I heard Grayson pant behind me. I was surprised he had kept up with me. ‘Hello?’ I shook my head, as if clearing my already scattered thoughts ‘Uh…’ I looked around. Where would they be? Not up, surely. Maybe not up, but maybe down. Down. The basement. A bunker even. ‘Down.’ I said. It sounded like a stupid thing for a former Erudite person to say, but it was all I could gather.

Grayson nodded ‘I saw a door to the basement outside.’ Without any more discussion, we ran to out the door and around the back. I could feel something blooming inside my chest, and I realised I would see Tris again. The smile on her face. The warm glow in her brown eyes. 

Grayson fiddled with the lock, undoing it with ease. This is why he is a good soldier. He has the brains. I ran ahead down the stairs without him, desperate to see her. To know she’s safe. 

I slowed to a jog. A smile played on my face as I saw lights on behind a door somewhere. I walked towards the light, opening the door and walking in. Immediately I was greeted with a group of people. Each of them in black clothes, a band on their arm reading ‘B1’.

I searched the crowd for a familiar face, but there was nothing. None of them seemed to notice my arrival, like random soldiers flowed in and out daily. I went down a hallway, the cold white walls seeming just like the ones in the Deathrow base. Just as I was about to walk in a room, an arm stopped me. It was Reece Turow, the leader of Tris’s squad. His calm green eyes searched mine, and he reached down and pulled my tags out from under my shirt. ‘Jordan Hayes, Dauntless member, 18 years old, Squadron C3’’  He smirked at my armband ‘You are here, why, Mr. Hayes? Hmm?’ My words seemed to jumble up in my head. ‘I came to check on a member of B1.’ I said formally. He was much taller than me, with streaks of grey in his thin black hair. ‘Who would that be?’ 

Grayson finally arrived behind me, scuffing his shoes. ‘Tr-Ella. Ella Lawrence.’ I kept forgetting that she was still Ella to these people. He narrowed his eyes. ‘Come here for a moment.’ He pulled me into the room, shutting it on Grayson. ‘Ella Lawrence? Short blonde girl with the funny nose?’ I stiffened angrily ‘Yeah.’ 

His eyes went grave, and he frowned. ‘She disappeared with a few others. Ryder Swale, Maya Campbell, Emy Stokes and Cain Ryall.’ It took me a while to process what he was saying. 

‘She’s gone.'


Ehh...sorry for all dem I hope you enjoyed this scrap! It's kinda turned into a story I guess...a really bad, un-edited story. Ya.

Anyway, vote, comment and don't be afraid to add to ya library! :{D 



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