Epilogue Scraps!

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[] Song-Monsters by Imagine Dragons []

(TYPE 1)

I lept on Jordan’s back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed good-naturedly and ran across the field. Ryder was holding our daughter, Natalie, and running after us. She had dark brown hair, and blue eyes like Jordan. ‘Mummy!’ she squealed as Ryder spun her around. ‘Be careful with her!’ I laughed, coming off Jordan’s back. A little boy came running and leapt on Ryder’s back as he bent over, and he fell to the ground. Jordan laughed ‘Even Toby’s stronger than you!’ he teased. Ryder just gave a snort

‘How can you manage them both?’ he panted. Toby had golden brown hair, like me, and dark brown eyes. His real name was Tobias, but Toby seemed to fit him now. Natalie and Toby scrambled onto of him. ‘I am Toby, the Dauntless leader!’ Toby squeaked. ‘Bow before me!’ Natalie gave him a gentle shove ‘No, I am!’ Toby giggled and jumped on Natalie, and they play fought in the soft meadow grass. We had been living in the an Insurgent town with Ryder for a while now, but Jordan and I still wore black and acted like Dauntless.

I guess we could never quite escape the factions. 

(TYPE 2)

It had been 2 years since I returned to Dauntless. An 17-year-old girl racked by grief, hiding after a war that killed everyone I loved. But I found love again, deep in the heart of the factions. Jordan. The little girl and boy run around the field outside our Insurgent home, often Ryder playing with them. It was a while before I could finally accept the fact that Tobias was dead.

Deep down, I still loved him with every heart beat, but I knew I had to move on. Tobias was waiting for me, in another place. In another time. And that time was not now. Which meant I could start living in the now. Loving Jordan, and bringing a child into the world. Moving on from the wars and rebellions, the mistrust and fear that once encased me. It was time to become free, like the four ravens flying across my collarbone.

And at last, to finally be at peace within myself.

About the ending


Okay. So the little battle happened, and then the factions were united again because of the war. They had to ally against the Deathrow, so the factions still remain. And then there’s the Insurgents. Ryder left to join them, and invited Tris and Jordan to come. They declined, but after the war, they went to live with him. In like an apartment thing outside Chicago.

The Insurgents are basically just a group (About the size of the faction less or probably more) who want to live in a free life, where there are no factions. That’s all. ‘Insurgent’ means to rebel, or to fight against something. They don’t really fight, but they are against the factions. Having their own mini rebellion. And so ya, Isaac died (*sad face*) and some other stuffs happened.

They lived half-happiley ever on. Because I don’t like the completely happy endings (too cheesy) and the Allegiant ending just ripped my organs out. So this is gonna be a half-happy, half-sad ending. 


Okay that was just a short thingy…epilogue stuffs….ya…feel free to comment which style you like, and if you think the ending is good > - < All I really wanted was a happy ending *COUGH* VERONICA ROTH *COUGH*.


And about how she kinda dismissed Four…DON’T SHOOT ME PLS! She still really loves him, but knows that she will join him one day, but that he would’ve wanted her to be happy where she is. Ya. Btw, I ship #Fourtris and #Sheo like fedex…so mm. 

And if it helps, their boy is called Toby (short for Tobias) and the girl….just leave it to yer imagination! (Yass they did have kids *FEELLZZZ* and no I will not go into ‘detail’ of how that happened. Goodnight.)

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