Scraps 7

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[] Song-Bleeding out by Imagine Dragons [] 

I felt a rush of relief at Ryder’s words. But I could see that Maya didn’t like it. ‘What?! You said we were coming here to attack, not creep around their base like useless little flies!’ she spat. ‘Maya,’ Emy rested a hand on her friends shoulder.

‘I’m sorry.’ she said to us. ‘Could you please give us a minute?’ without waiting for a reply,Emy dragged a spitting mad Maya into an alleyway further up.   Cain stood in front of us awkwardly, holding his gun over his chest like he still wasn’t sure what to do with it. ‘So…uh…’ he began ‘We’re still going to be helping, right?’ Ryder nodded.

‘We’re just…taking a less dangerous route.’ He looked at the path ahead, then back at me. ‘Hopefully.’    I stood up, ignoring the pains buzzing everywhere in my body. ‘So, what’s the plan?’ Cain kneeled down, frowning. ‘We’re going to flank them, and go inside. And I don’t mean just in the front yard, I mean deep. Wherever Lane is, I’m going to find him.’ ‘Tris,’ Ryder began.

I rose a hand for his silence. ‘We’re going. No ifs’. No buts. If you don’t want to come then don’t.’ It came out a lot harsher than I had intended.   Ryder sighed. ‘Fine. We’ll find Lane, and…then what?’ I froze. He was right. If I could make it all the way to the centre of the Deathrow, and hold their leader at a Gunpoint, what would I  do? ‘Kill him.’ I said firmly. It sounds brutal, just to waltz up to their base and kill someone, so I ad a bit to make it seem less brutal.

‘And finish this war that was never meant to be re-started.’   I started to walk away, down the street. In the distance, I could see the Hub, the building taken over as the Deathrow’s base. The central control of power. ‘You coming?’ I said back to them.

The two boys grabbed their guns and followed me down the street. Emy and Maya slipped back in with us almost silently, and Maya seemed a lot calmer.   ‘Come on,’ I started jogging. ‘We have a war to end.’   


‘So…are you suggesting that Tris single-handedly launched a suicidal mission into the heart of our enemy’s land….with nothing but four other comrades and a…vague, let’s say, idea of what their doing?’ Grayson was astounded, I figured more the bad way than good.  

‘Yep.’ I took a deep breath. ‘That’s her.’    ‘Well.’ Grayson sighed, sitting down and huffing. ‘That’s just great, isn’t it? I suppose our next plan is to-‘ I gave a snort, stealing the last words from the tip of his tounge. ‘To go after her.’ Grayson just sat silently, as if pondering the idea. ‘

Okay. Okay. So we go after her.’ Grayson stood in a stretch. ‘And how do you suppose we get there before them? Hm?’ I frowned ‘We won’t get there before them. Just at the same time.’ Grayson raised an eyebrow. ‘And how would we do that? We have no cars, no bikes even.’  

‘I know.’ I said. ‘I guess you’ll just have to learn to be a fast runner.’   


Sowee for the…uh….short chapter and half-cliffhanger isn thingies. I’m having writers block so I might skip the next couple of scraps till I get an idea for ‘em. Omq omqomq I’m going to see Divergent soon EEEEEEEPPPP where I am it like…just came out…yeah.

I think I’m going to draw a tattoo on my wrist and wear full black lelele…yeah…enough talking to myself.   Also…when I’m done with this I think I’ll work on actually writing the fanfic of this one

[] Part Two of my Divergent FF that I really haven’t written at all []

Ya…maybe I’ll work on part one after part two because my messed up brain says so  


Peace out brother/sister from another father/mother.

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