part 3

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It hadn't always been smooth sailing between the two of them. They hardly ever fought but when they did, it was big. She remembered one time where it had started out about something small and had spiraled into something much bigger. She ran out of his house crying and began running up the street. He'd followed her and begged her to come inside and that he was sorry and he didn't mean to upset her and that he loved her so much and if she could please forgive him? That's just the type of guy George was; he was proud but not so proud that he would dare risk losing the one he loved the most.

Something bothered her from her sleep. She tried to shake off that strange sense of foreboding and reached for George, searching for warmth. It took a few seconds to remember that he wasn't there. And nor was he ever going to be there. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She yearned for her Smiffy to come home. Every fibre of her being wanted him to be next to her.

She checked her phone to see the time. 12.01am. March 9th. George should be turning twenty two today. Giving up on trying to sleep, she stood up, shook the sleepiness from her and reached for a box underneath her bed.

That box was the only thing under her bed that wasn't covered in dust. She'd often take the box out and look at its contents for in it were hundreds of photos of George. George and his family, George and his band, George and his dog, George as a baby and her favourite ones; George and her.

She carefully removed the box's lid and placed it beside her. She took out the photos one by one and looked at all of them carefully. She watched a tiny fluffy haired boy grow into a strong handsome young man. She got to the last photo and inhaled sharply to stop herself from crying. It was the last photo taken of the two of them before he left to go on tour. The last time she saw him as he should be in real life. Tried as she did, she couldn't stop the memory from coming; the day he left.

She remembered the day he left, however she would have done anything to forget it. She was finally going to see George after two months of not seeing him. She was bursting with excitement. She couldn't wait for hold him in her arms again and play with his hair and lots of kisses...obviously. She was a little bit nervous about telling him about the baby but she'd convinced herself that he would accept him/her. She went out to the front garden and waited for him. The uber should be dropping him off shortly. Unfortunately, his parents, the lovely Natasha and Tony, weren't able to make it because they had some sort of event on but they'd see them later tonight. She waited on the front lawn, almost jumping with excitement.

After what felt like years of waiting, the uber pulled up on the opposite side of the street. She could see George, waving excitedly at her. She waved back, happy tears flowing down her face. They broke eye contact as George paid the uber driver. He got out of the car and ran to the boot to get out his luggage and guitar.

"Would you like me to carry those for you?" the driver asked.

"That would be wonderful thank you," he said. He turned and faced her, grinned and broke into a run. For a moment, the whole world was in slow motion. She could see George but in the corner of her eye, she saw headlights. She turned her head and screamed. The car didn't look like it was going to stop.

"GEORGE NO!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. George turned his head in alarm. His eyes widened in shock. The car hadn't been there seconds ago.


It was the worst sound she'd ever heard.

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