part 9 - alternative

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"George! Are you mental? You can't just quit the band!" she said, shocked that George would even consider that.

"Ok, maybe not quit but go on a break," he said, thoughtfully.

"But, but, but that's your job, you can't just quit!" she said indignantly.

"I have a much more important job that runs deeper than being in the band and that's being a good dad and partner," he said seriously.

"You would really do that? For us?"

"I would do anything for you. I know this may seem a bit sudden but I feel like now is the time to do it," said George. He sat up and reached for a small box on his bedside table she'd never noticed before. She just stared in shock, she knew what he was going to say but nothing would have been able to prepare her for those next words she was about to hear.

"My love, you've been nothing but an amazing, loyal girlfriend for these past eight years and have given so much to me and our children. You're so smart, beautiful, sing like an angel and have never left my side, not even in the hardest of times. In return, I promise you that this next moment in time will be all about you and the kids. All I ask is one favour, one absolute honour... will you marry me?"

With that, he opened the small box revealing a beautiful ring.

Tears of happiness streamed down her face. She could barely utter the word "yes" before bursting into tears. The ring slid perfectly on her finger. George embraced her and showered her with kisses.

"I love you," she said, wiping her eyes.

"To the moon and back," he said softly, kissing her lips.


She woke up that morning feeling fresher and happier than she had for as long as she could remember.

"Good morning, my beautiful fiancé," said George, coming into the room.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier?" she asked but smiled when George had called her his 'fiancé'.

"Well I figured I'd give you the morning off, and yes, don't worry, I've already taken the kids to school and made their lunches and whatnot," he said, grinning proudly.

She stared at him confused. "Don't you have a studio session or something to go to?"

"About that, I called Blake and Reece and they agree with me; we're going on a break so we can spend more time with family I mean, Blake's wife is quite pregnant and Reece has his one and three year old to look after and not to mention our parents and other family and friends. We barely see them anymore because of the amount of work we do. Don't get me wrong, I love work but I love you and everyone else and we all feel as if we've been putting work before people at home for too long," he explained.

"George!, I don't know how to thank you!" she said, getting out of bed to throw her arms around him.

"It's for the best," he said, pulling her in.

"How long's the break for?" she asked.

"A year but it can be extended if need be," he said smiling.

"George, that's great, no, that's beyond great, that's amazing. I love you so much," she said happily, giving him a kiss.

"Now, m'dear, I do believe we have a wedding to plan!" he said with a huge smile.

"I do believe you're right," she said excitedly.

Yes, I'm sorry this was SUPER cheesy but I mean, it was kinda cute? 

thanks so much for 400+ reads!!

love dee x

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