part 5

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She didn't really remember what happened after that. All she remembered was that she wanted to join George. She wanted to be with him but he'd told her, 'stay strong' so she had to. For him. For their baby. Their baby... the thought was strange. She didn't know if she could do it; raise a child all on her own, without her beautiful George. It had been a month after the accident and she missed him more everyday. She was still staying with his parents which she felt immensely guilty about but they'd insisted saying that they all needed to support each other through this terrible time. And besides, she'd told her parents about the baby and they'd kicked her out, their only child, so if it hadn't been for the kindness of George's parents, she'd be out living on the streets. The rejection of her parents hurt more than she was willing to let on. Stay strong.

She considered getting an abortion; afterall, her parents did have a point, she was only seventeen and knew nothing about anything, especially not how to raise a child. Her parents had made it quite clear that they wanted nothing to do with 'it'.

She'd told George's parents and they'd wholeheartedly supported her saying that it was a piece of George which made the child so very precious to them and George would want her to keep the baby.

The pregnancy wasn't easy on her young body and it was cut short; the baby was born one and a half months early. The baby girl spent six weeks in the Intensive Care Unit, an incredible toll on such a small fragile body, but she made it.

From then on, the little baby girl brought nothing but happiness (and a few over filled diapers) to the now family of four. George's parents were incredibly excited to be grandparents ('The only thing I don't like about it is it makes me feel so old!' they'd said). The baby had filled most of the void that had been left since George's passing but she never stopped thinking about him. She'd entertain herself with the thought that he was watching over them, never stopping smiling.

The baby grew into a toddler who asked lots of questions. She wanted to know everything she could about the father she never nor would ever meet. The child was sad to know that she would never meet her dad but she loved him so much because of all the stories she'd heard about him; she felt like she knew him. And the thing that had brought the girl the most joy was the fact that her dad loved her and that somewhere, way up there, he was watching over her, guiding her and keeping his baby girl safe and strong.


thanks so much for reading, feel free to vote & comment if you want ;)

there's going to be one more chapter and then that's it for this story

also - feel free to check out my other account that I share with my friend ( @swiftlynewhope ) and check out our story; Exchange With New Hope Club (I promise it's not depressing like this story)

thanks again for reading this! 

love dee :)

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