part 4

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A/N: just a warning; this chapter contains a lot of blood. however, the descriptions aren't that graphic so most people should be fine i think :)

The car smashed into him and he went flying in the air. She let out a terrible screech of despair; a noise that wasn't human. She heard the car skid to a stop as she ran out to George.

"No," she sobbed. "No, no, no, no, please tell me this isn't happening."

She reached out to George. There was blood everywhere. All over his chest, his legs, his arms, his face.

"George," she whispered through the tears running down her face. "George, can you hear me?"

All she got in reply was blood gurgling from his mouth. She looked around, desperately searching for someone who could help. Her eyes found the uber driver.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! CALL AN AMBULENCE!" she screamed. She sobbed into her hands. She couldn't bear to see George like this. Just one minute ago, he'd pulled up on the other side of the street, ready to run home, into her arms.

"George, are you there?" she asked, choking up at the end.

"I'm scared," he said, tears pouring down his face then coughing up more blood.

"There's an ambulance coming and I'll be here for you the whole time," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She needed to be strong for him. His hand desperately grasped one of hers.

"Everything hurts," he whimpered.

"Just stay with me," she begged, stroking his hair with shaking hands, covered in warm, sticky blood. "Please stay with me."

"I'm sorry," he said with effort.

"It's not your fault, babe," she said, running my fingers through his hair. She paused only to give his sweating, bloody forehead a kiss.

"I missed you," he said softly.

"I've missed your more," she said shakily.

"I've missed you most," he said. His breathing was getting shallower. She squeezed his hand, more to reassure herself than him. She needed to tell him. Before it was too late.

"I'm having a baby," she said, managing a small smile. "You're the father, don't worry."

Despite the situation, George broke into a weak grin.

"You're going to be a great mother," he said, wincing a little at the end.

"And you're going to be a great father," she said firmly.

George had given her a small, sad smile, as if he'd known all along that this was how it was going to end and he'd accepted it.

"Tell mum and dad and the rest of the family I love them. Tell the boys it was one hell of a ride. I love you and our little baby so much," he said, tears pouring down his face. "Stay strong for me, babe."

"Stay with me, please, stay with me," she begged.

"Tell our baby that daddy loves her," he said softly. His breathing was getting slower and each breath was getting shorter. It was getting harder for him to speak.

"Can you sing me to sleep?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

'To sleep'. How pathetically bittersweet. She smiled shakily and began to sing the song they'd fallen in love with each other to; Thinking Out Loud. She sang with a shaky voice but it sounded beautiful nonetheless. She held his hand and stroked his hair and watched the gaps between the rising and falling of his chest getting longer and longer. When she'd finished the song, he took one last, deep breath and closed his eyes, the beautiful, sparkling blue which she had loved were now...gone.

She let out an ear-splitting scream and cried harder than she'd ever cried before and held George's still body close to her as if somehow, by some crazy, beautiful miracle, if she held him tight enough she might be able to squeeze some life back into him.

"The ambulance is here, ma'am," said the uber driver. She barely heard him. She just held onto the love of her life and cried. She held him close to her and sobbed into his once strong, steady chest.

In the end, the paramedics had to force her off him. One of the paramedics was with her, trying to calm her down but she couldn't hear him. She managed to calm herself down enough to wait for the verdict. Please, she prayed desperately. Please, I'll give anything.

The second paramedic approached her while the third covered George's body with a white sheet. No, no, no, no. Please don't let him be dead. I'll give anything.

"I'm sorry ma'am but he's gone," he said solemnly.

"No," she said, shaking her head, tears spilling down her face. "NO!"

She let out a scream of despair. She could barely stand on her own two feet. The paramedic was barely strong enough to keep her from falling. He mumbled comforting words in her ear but she couldn't hear a thing. Only the sounds of her crying; crying for the one that she lost; crying for her beautiful George; crying for her beautiful Smiffy.

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