part 6

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The years flew by; the once baby girl was now a grown woman with three children of her own; two girls and a boy, who was the youngest and was named George and was her pride and joy.

George (Smiffy)'s parents were now long gone and she was nearing her nineties herself with four great-grandchildren and three along the way (two of the three were twins!).

It had been just over seventy years since the accident (seventy-two to be exact) and in those seventy-two years, she'd barely even looked at another man. She would often wonder about George; her daughter joked that she had a problem; but she would often wonder; would it have worked out? Her and him? She would liked to have thought so.

She sat alone in her arm chair in her little cottage house, reflecting over her almost ninety years on this earth (eighty-nine and a half to be exact). Should she have looked at other men? She would certainly loved to have more children but could she ever love anyone as much as George? Probably not. But she never really tried. Perhaps because she didn't want to. How could she?

It came to her as a sudden realization of what the date was; March 9th. George would be turning ninety today.

"Happy birthday, you old geezer," she chuckled to an imaginary George. With her sanity not what it used to be, she would often pretend that George was there next to her, in the identical arm chair next to hers. She then reached under her own chair and pulled out the well-worn box of photos, which had been added to; there were now pictures of her daughter and her grandchildren and even some great grandchildren.

"Look at how beautiful our daughter is," she said fondly, showing the photo to the empty armchair. "And look at our beautiful grandchildren when they were little! Can you believe we now have great-grandchildren? My, my, how time flies!"

And she went like this, going through the photos and commenting on all of them, as if George was there next to her.

"Ahh, look at how cute your parents were! You hated this picture, you always said it was so embarrassing!" she chuckled. "Oh look! There's us with Blake and Reece, they're teasing us, they were mocking our pose!"

She paused as she got to the last one. "Last picture, look at how beautiful we were!"

She looked fondly at the picture, gently caressing it. She reached out to show George only to be met by an empty arm chair. She gave a start as if realizing for the first time that George wasn't there. Silent tears rolled down her face as she sighed, gently placing the photo on her lap, still holding it.

She could feel herself falling asleep, despite it being early evening. Age had not treated her body kindly; she was finding herself to be constantly fatigued. She sighed and sank deeper into her chair.

She stirred when someone called her name. Over and over again.

"Leave me be, I'm an old lady," she murmured.

"It's me, George," said the voice.

"George? It can't be, I lost you all those years ago!" her voice barely a whisper, tears rolling down her face.

"I believe it's my birthday," he said, coming into view. His face was young, fresh and eighteen again; his hair a little longer than she remembered but his eyes just as blue.

"I know, my love, how could I forget?" she said.

"I also believe you owe me a birthday kiss," he said cheekily, leaning down over her and placing a kiss on her lips. He put his hand out to her which she took and he pulled her up.

"How about a special birthday dance?" he said. At the click of his fingers, the sweet sound of 'Thinking Out Loud' filled the room.

"I can't dance, I'm too old," she said, weakly protesting.

"You look the same as the day I met you," he smiled.

She was about to protest until she looked down at her hands to find that they were no longer wrinkled, they were smooth and dainty. They danced, in each other's arms, enjoying the closeness of their bodies, not feeling the need to say anything. George spun her around just as the song finished and gave her a soft kiss.

"I missed you," he said.

"I've missed you terribly, you have no idea," she said softly.

"I think it's just about time to you to join me," he said. "I've always been with you and now it's time for you to be with me."

"I've wanted to be with you for so long, you have no idea," she said.

"One last birthday present, how about that?" he smiled.

"Sounds like a plan," she said, returning the smile, followed by a kiss.

"Happy birthday, my love," she whispered. She kept her eyes shut, took one last deep breath and was at last after 26,373 long days, she was finally reunited with her George, her Smiffy.

Aaaaand that's the end of this version. I've decided to do a slightly less morbid ending  so basically it's different from part 3 onwards which will be coming hopefully soon!

thanks so much for reading! feel free to vote and comment ;)

also (yes, more self promo, i'm sorry) i have a fan account that i co-own with @swiftlyblake on instagram >, @swiftlynewhope so you can follow that if you want 


NHC had a livestream on @awesomnesstv on instagram and i got noticed twice which was super exciting! the first time, the boys were having mints and i commented 'can i have one?' so George held up the mints to the camera and 'gave' me one 😂 

the second time i commented 'i've met the most amazing girls through you guys so thank you so much' which Blake read out and said 'thank you very much we love hearing stuff like that, that's always so nice so thank you' and George said some thing which i can't remember but it was really exciting since i haven't been noticed on a livestream before 😂

~story time finished~

thanks again, dee :)

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